One hell of a dream (Chapter 22) (Part 2)

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Mum looked quite confused as she eyed the statue that was still raised above my head. I on the other hand was still confused at the fact that my mum was standing in front of me, alive and well.

“You’re supposed to be dead” I said stupidly.

Her eyes widened then quickly narrowed “that’s a terrible thing to say, Hunter.”

She walked towards me and I backed up, gripping the statue tighter. She stopped dead in her tracks, sighing and placing her hands on her hips.

“Is this another one of your pranks I don’t understand?”

“This isn’t real” I mumbled, shaking my head side-to-side.

My mum tapped her foot impatiently, looking rather annoyed “Hunter-”

“This isn’t real” I said again. This has gotta be some sorta trick. It has to be. The aliens finally got their slimy claws on me and this…place is all in my head! That’s the only logical explanation. “I know your game, but it ain’t gonna work” I pointed accusingly at her, making her face turn from irritated to genuinely confused.

“What game? Hunter, what on Earth are you taking about?”

“As if you don’t know” I said with a roll of my eyes.  

Footsteps behind me made me spin on my heel and hold the statue in front of me. My little sister stood in the doorway, looking at the statue in my hands than back to my face. She held her hands up in front of her and smirked “don’t shoot.”

Sophia…she’s here too? If the aliens created this crazy alternate universe than they sure as hell did a damn good job. They nailed Sophias’ bratty personality perfectly.

“You’re one of them too, huh? Clever way of trying to get information outta me, but it ain’t gonna work!” I backed up, glancing between the two.

Mum watched me with worried eyes, while Sophia rolled hers and brushed past me, pulling out a chair at the kitchen table and sitting down. “So you’ve finally lost your marbles…such a shame” she muttered while staring at her phone.

“Hunter, maybe you should sit down for a bit” Mum suggested and ushered me over to the table.

“Careful mum, Hunter has just turned 50 Shades of CrayCray” Sophia smirked, never tearing her eyes from her phone.

“I’m not crazy, okay!” I snapped.

“Hunter, sweetie…” Mum walked towards me slowly “…I think you might be a little sick. Maybe you should go lie down.”

“I’m not sick. I know this place isn’t real. You’re not real, Sophia’s not real…” my hands began to shake as I looked between the pair “…this is a trick.”

“You keep talking like that and you’re going to wind up getting dragged away in the middle of the night by men in white” Sophia said.

“Rather that than being held hostage here by a couple of aliens” I muttered darkly.

“Aliens?” Mum repeated.

“Don’t act like you don’t know what I’m talking about!”

“Oh my God” Sophia burst out laughing.

I looked at her and frowned “what are you laughing at?”

Her laughter died down and she shook her head, smirking “you need a break from your computer, Sis. All that fiction writing is finally getting to you.”

“Fiction…writing?” I said slowly.

A relieved smile fell upon my Mums’ face “thank goodness for that. That’s it, Hunter, no more writing for a while.”

Sophia must’ve noticed the seriously confused look on my face ‘cause she rolled her eyes and threw her phone to me. I caught it with ease and stared stupidly at the small glowing screen. “Wattpad?” What the hell is a Wattpad? I’ve never heard of that before in my life.

“You write stories and post them online, remember? You’re writing some stupid sci-fi story and you put us in there. Oh, and I don’t appreciate being killed off btw” Sophia informed, resting her chin in her palm.

I scrolled down the screen and read each word carefully. She was right. This story or whatever was my life. Everything that has happened to me during the invasion is written right here in front of me. That’s why I woke up completely fine, ‘cause it never actually happened. Oh crap…is all this really true? Has all this just been me living in some sick fictional world? It all felt so real though. I don’t know what to believe anymore.

I stumbled over to the kitchen table and sat down. I ran a hand through my hair as I continued staring at the phone in my hand. An arm wrapped around my shoulders. Mum stroked my hair and kissed my temple.

“Go have a shower, sweetie. Maybe that’ll help.”

I nodded once and slid Sophias’ phone back to her before standing up and leaving the room.


Just a short chapter but I have to break it up into parts otherwise it would go on forever ^_^

So what's going on with Hunter? Has she really gone crazy or what?

- Sarah

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