Please, put me out of my misery (part 1) (Chapter 12)

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Warning: Contains graphic content. So if you're squeamish when it comes to torture...skip to the end. If you're not, then enjoy!


3rd POV

Hunter screamed in agony as Merle dug his blade deeper into her pale skin. He smiled contently at the sound of her flesh slowly being torn apart. The warmth of her blood on his fingertips made him shiver with delight. He was completely in his element. Faces of his previous victims flashed through his mind making him grin ear to ear. He recalled the extreme moments of happiness and excitement he felt while committing those murders. It had been several months since his last killing, and after thinking of them, he longed for those moments. He was certainly going to take his time with this one.

He slowly extracted the knife, making sure to twist it a few times on its way out. Hunter released a heavy breath. She sighed quietly at the moment of relief that washed over her. An hour had passed since Merles’ torture began, but to Hunter it felt like an eternity. Merle had been focusing on Hunters’ arms, but has since moved on to her torso. He had removed her shirt, leaving her in only her bra. She felt humiliated, ashamed…disgusting. She wished he would kill her so she would no longer have to experience the disgrace.

Merle ran his hand over her collarbone. Her skin felt like silk beneath his fingers. She shuddered at the contact and tried to shut him out. She squeezed her eyes shut hoping something lovely would occupy her thoughts. A meadow, a field of flowers, anything to help her forget what was happening. Then it happened; the most divine figure made itself apparent in her head. It was the one thing Hunter desired most. Something she wished would be real, even if for just a moment. It was her wrapped in Bens’ protective embrace. She smiled inwardly at the image. The fantasy swiftly changed into something even better. She and Ben sharing a passionate kiss in the rain; his hands wrapped tightly around her waist; her fingers tangled in his messy blonde hair; their bodies pressed tightly against one another’s. Kissing in the rain had always been a secret fantasy of Hunters. Though she may not be open with her emotions, Hunter has always been a romantic. Of course, she would never tell anyone. She hates people seeing the emotional side of her. Hunter couldn’t deny it now…she was completely and irreversibly in love with him. Though ashamed it took such a horrific situation for her to realise it, it still gave her a sense of comfort.

“Ya know my first victim was ‘bout thirteen years ago. I wasn’t even plannin’ on it, it just…sorta happened” Merle reminisced. Hunter forced open her heavy lids to glance at him. He was kneeling on the ground in front her, waving his knife in the air. “She was a pretty little thing, like you” he said as he slid the tip of his blade down Hunters neck, making her shudder. “Ya see…I followed her from the convenience store, to a driveway she pulled into. And I hung around several hours, till it came into the wee hours of the morning. Then I went into this house...I go to the first bedroom I see...I don't know whose room it is and, and, and, and I start stabbing."

He dug his knife into her abdomen. He slid his blade upwards, stopping just beneath her bra. Hunter bit her lip to keep from screaming. Merle watched in excitement as her glossy red blood trickled from the deep vertical gash. He leisurely twisted the blade as he continued speaking.

“Do ya believe in God, darlin’? I never did.  Load of bullshit if ya ask me. I never was much of a believer. In anything. I don't believe in man, God nor Devil. I hate the whole damned human race, including myself. I hated all my life. I hated everybody. When I first grew up and can remember, I was dressed as a girl by mother. And I stayed that way for two or three years. And after that was treated like what I call the dog of the family. I was beaten. I was made to do things that no human bein' would wanna do.” He gripped the handle of the knife tightly and roughly wrenched it from her wound. Hunter screamed in pain. Blood splattered onto Merles’ already stained shirt.

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