One hell of a dream (Chapter 21) (Part 1)

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The alarm clock blares, jolting me from my deep sleep. Is it really 7:00 AM already? Groaning, I slide my hand out from under the covers and fumble around my bedside table for the OFF switch. Once the god awful noise is silenced I roll over on my side and snuggle deeper into the covers.

Wait a minute…something’s not right here. Wasn’t I…?

My eyes shot open as I shot up in bed. My hands flew to my chest, searching frantically for a bullet hole. What the hell? I’m fine, but…how? Last night flashed through my mind.

“I don’t know” Ben shrugged. A red light appeared on his forehead and my eyes widened. Without thinking, I knocked him to the ground before feeling a searing hot pain shoot throughout my chest. I stared down at the blood pouring out of the wound, and then back at Ben, who watched me with frightened eyes.

“You’re not going to die!” Ben snapped as he held me in his arms.

“I’m sorry I hurt you, Ben.”

“I forgive you.”

“I love you, Ben Mason” my cheeks burned as I stared deep into his gorgeous eyes.

Ben leant down and lightly pressed his lips against mine. I gripped the front of his jacket, pulling him harder against me. His right arm tightened around my waist, while his left hand cupped the side of my face. Ben deepened the kiss. The light and gentle kiss is now firm and passionate.

“I love you” he whispered against my lips.

Tom Mason ran through the high school, cradling me in his arms. My eyelids were heavy. I was trying my hardest to keep them open but it was becoming more and more difficult.

A bright white light blinded me. Dr Glass hovered above me. Her lips moved quickly but I couldn’t hear what she was saying. My head fell to the side. Tom stood there beside Lourdes, both looking panicky.

“She’s losing too much blood!” Anne shouted, pressing her palms firmly over my wound.

“Stay with us, Hunter” Tom ran his hand through my hair. My breathing became shallow and I couldn’t keep my eyes open anymore. “Hunter? No, stay with us!” his voice faded out, until I could no longer hear the world around me.

I was gone.

I’m…dead? Then where the hell am I?! Quickly throwing back the covers, I jumped out of bed and grabbed my pyjama bottoms from the computer chair beside my bed and quickly slipped them on as I ran for the door.

I wound up in a hallway. A thin rug ran from one end of the hall to the other; picture frames lined the walls; a Raggedy Ann doll lay in the middle of the floor. I know that doll. That’s Sophia’s! This house…it was mine. But how? This has got to be some sorta dream! But do you dream when you die? I didn’t think that was possible, but then again ya never know.

Hearing movement from the floor below made me reach for my pistol but I frowned when I remembered it wasn’t there. I crouched down and slowly started down the stairs. I crept towards the kitchen; the sound of various dishes being moved around put me on edge. Picking up the statue that rested on the small wooden table, I pressed my back against the wall beside the kitchens’ entrance, getting ready to attack.

Count of three, Hunter. One…two…three! I dived through the entry of the kitchen, the statue raised above my head, but froze as I recognized the person in front of me.

The woman turned and shrieked in surprise. “Oh my goodness, Hunter! You scared me” she placed a hand over her heart and exhaled loudly.

My breath caught in my throat as I stared at her. Mum?


This is a lot shorter than my other chapters but I don't all chapters to be extremely long, so I posted it in parts. Part 2 will be longer than this one though. Now that Uni is finished for the year, I'll have a lot more time to write so I should be updating more regularly :)


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