Chapter 1: New World

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This is a Tale of a frail, and smart man with a heart of gold named Timothy. Timothy at the start of this story is 20 years of age. His eyes are caramel, and his hair as brown as dark oak logs. His skin is as white as snow.

Timothy slightly opened his eyes. He wondered why he wasn't in the chair, at his desk. Timothy decided he would go back to sleep, and figure that out later, he was tired after a long night of gaming at his desk. But was soon interrupted by someone poking him with a stick.

Unknown, "Well I guess since he seems to be dead, I might as well loot him."

Timothy, "Fluffy, just let me sleep for a little while longer. I'll get up in a bit, and take you out on a walk."

The person who was just poking Timothy jumped up in surprise. What he saw before was a girl that looked about 19. This woman had hair that was gold like the sun, and was soft and smooth. Her eyes were blue like the sky on a clear summer day. Her cheeks were rosy. Her skin looked soft, and smooth as a newly born baby. She smelt of apples and cinnamon. She wore a green hoodie with a creeper face on the hood, a short skirt just as green, she had white stockings, but no shoes. Timothy wondered about why her feet didn't hurt.

Unknown: "He's not dead!"

Timothy realizing this person was a stranger quickly rose off the ground.

"Where am I," Timothy exclaimed, "WHERE IS MY HOME? WHERE'S MY BED? DID YOU BRING ME HERE?"

"Calm Down, I just found you laying down here on the ground. I thought you were dead so I was going to loot you," the unknown person said.

Timothy inquired, "Where is the closest train to New York?"

The unknown person responded, "What is a train? And is New York a nearby village?"

Timothy then realized he wasn't on earth anymore.

Timothy inquired, "Wait why is everything so blocky?"

The unknown person said, "Wait, is that not normal to you?"

Timothy responded, "No, it is not."

The unknown person then asked, "Where exactly are you from?"

Timothy responded, "A city called New York, in a state called New York, in a Country called the United States of America, on a continent called North America, on a planet called Earth."

"Well let's get to introductions," the unknown person said, "My name is Sakuretso, and what is yours?"

Timothy then stated, "My name is Timothy."

Sakuretso thought to herself, "I know sister will be very mad at me if I bring a human into our home, but he would not likely survive on his own. He probably wouldn't last one day in this world." Sakuretso said,"Hey since your new in this world, and you don't have a place to stay, you can stay at my place," Sakuretso kindly asked, "I have an extra bed you can use."

"If it is okay way with you I would love to," said Timothy.

Sakuretso hopefully, "Mind if I ask you some questions about your world when we arrive?"

"Yes, I would love to. I owe you that and more for helping me out," Timothy answered.

Timothy and Sakuretso walked for hours, arriving at Sakuretso's cave just as the sun began to set.

"Here, we've arrived at my humble abode," Sakuretso told Timothy.

Timothy surprised at the fact that she lives in a cave, inquires,"You live in a cave."

Sakuretso answered truthfully, "I am a creeper after all, caves are places where other mobs like my kind hide from the sunlight, and the humans who attack us on sight."

Timothy, "You're a creeper? I thought creepers had green skin, four small legs, and no arms."

Sakuretso angrily questioned, "Why would you think that?"

Timothy answered quietly under his breath, embarrassed at his stupidity, "Because of a game called minecraft."

"Just come inside, try not to make me any angrier, you know if creepers get to scared or angry they blow up," saidSakuretso, "I would like to live a long fulfilling life, and not have it ended because of my kindness."

Timothy with his head hanging down followed Sakuretso into her room. She sat down on here bed, and motioned for him to sit next to her. He then slowly walked over to the bed and took a seat."

"Now I would like you to answer my questions please," Sakuretso said.

"Okay, what's your first questions," Timothy asked.

Sakuretso questioned, "My first question is what is New York like?"

Timothy answered, "There are buildings so tall they touch the clouds. There are so many people it feels like a sea. It takes hours to get anywhere in your Car because there is always Traffic. There are lights everywhere powered by generators that produce electricity from fossil fuels, uranium and other nuclear materials, the waters movement, from the sun, and from heat. There that fly through the sky pooping on things, and people.The ground is covered in a fast drying substance called Concrete that gets hard when it drys. And it so filled it has no room for any new structures without first tearing down old ones.." Timothy couldn't continue as he was cut off by Sakuretso.

Sakuretso interrupted, "Stop. That's too much new information for me to handle. Just tell me more tomorrow."

Timothy then said, "Okay Sakuretso, good night."

Timothy went to find the bedroom, it took him awhile, but he found it. He soon fell asleep.

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