Chapter 7: Father

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Narrator: We know return to our heroes in this chapter of ¨A Dream Come True?¨, ¨A Wish Upon A Star¨.

¨It's so dark in here, I can barely see anything," says Timothy.

"Yeah I know," says Dainamaito.

Saruketso, "Wait I see a light up ahead." Saruketso runs towards the light.

Dainamaito, "Wait it could be a trap."

Narrator: But it was too late Saruketso had already left running towards the light.

Timothy, "Oh well."

Narrator: At that moment Timothy runs off.

Dainamaito, "Uhhhhhhh, what am I going to do with those two."

"I guess I better go after them," Dainamaito.

Narrator: When they reach the light they see a group of armed humans carrying torches going down the path.

"Wait is that the leader of the humans with them, who is the disciple of Notch, and is known by most races as the Merciless Man," Dainamaito.

"Wait is that my FATHER left us when i was twelve years old. I HATE HIM," Timothy.

Narrator: His gauntlets suddenly go from silver to blue like the flame.

"Wait that's your dad," Kumo says astonished.

Timothy, "Yes and I'm about to beat the shit out of him along with those traveling with him. You guys stay back."

Merciless Man says, "Ah look its some more monsters, oh and a human. Tell me, why would you help them fight against your own kind."

Timothy, "Because what you are doing is just dead wrong, FATHER!"

Merciless Man says, "Wait I know the only child I have is back in my world with the wife I left."

Timothy, "I guess you wouldn't recognize me, you did leave 8 years ago when I was only twelve years old."

Merciless Man says, "Join me and we can rule the world together."

Timothy, "Never."

Merciless Man, "Then I guess kill them all and we'll get the power of the wishing stone."

Narrator: The seven guys rush that had been with Timothy's father rush at Timothy. Timothy teleports behind one of them, and punches his chest causes his fist to go right through his chest.

Timothy, "Ewww. My gauntlets covered in his insides. I guess this is the difference between fighting golems and humans."

Narrator: He then teleports and punches one of their heads causing his fist to go right through the person's skull. He then teleports to another and rips of his head causing blood to spurt from his neck. The next one he flicks causing it to go flying across the room causing the person to splat against the wall like a human tomato. Then proceeds on killing the next two."

Timothy, "Now that that's over with how about it. Will you come with us or would you rather today be the day you die?"

Merciless Man, "Gulp. I guess I'll come with you."

"The path is through this room," Merciless Man.Those fools this leads right to the room of the dungeon guardian. Most of them will perish in the fight, and if they win I'll kill whoever remains and take the stone for myself. If they don't, well it'll be easier for me to take it down.

Narrator: The party then enters the room. And the door closes behind them.

Narrator: Find out what happens in the next chapter, "A Wishing Stone".

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