Chapter 3: The Rescue

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Timothy is grabbed by Herobrine and then they disappear and reappear outside the village.Then Herobrine disappears once more. Timothy notices a villager heading into a shop. Timothy decides to see if he can information, and heads on into the shop.

Apon heading in, a bell rings, and a shopkeeper asks Timothy, "Do you need something?"

Timothy inquires, "Where can I find a Creeper?"

The shopkeeper says, "The auction begins in forty minutes in the center of town. You better hurry."

Timothy then understanding, teleports outside the door. Then into the sky above, and sees the center of town, he then teleports behind the stage. Timothy sees four cages, he sees Sakuretso, her sis, and what looks like two young girls with black hair, and four red beads in their hair. He then notices they look two be sisters, one being slightly older than the other The younger one has purple hair, two small fangs in her mouth. She is wearing black sweat pants, a black hoodie, with the hood down, she has black sneakers, and black socks to match. Her eyes are magenta. Her skin is white, but not nearly as pale as the rest of them. The older sister has blue hair like that of lapis lazuli, she is also dressed in all black in the same clothing as her younger sister, and she has about the same pigment of skin as her sis, she also has two small fangs in her mouth, and her eyes are purple. He then teleports to the cage Sakuretso is in. He tries with all his might to try to open it.

Timothy then says, "I can't open it. There's got to be away. There has to be a way."

After trying to pry apart the bars for many minutes, Timothy says with tears in his eyes, "I can't get it open, the auction is starting in a couple minutes. I can't save you I'm sorry."

Sakuretso says, "Timothy save yourself, get out of here."

Timothy says while crying, "No I won't give up on you. I'm not leaving."

Announcer on auction platform says, "The first for sale is a beautiful creeper girl, in her mid-teens." Two iron golems head down to take Sakuretso to the stage.

"No!!! I won't let you take her from me, I will save Sakuretso!!! You can't have her," says an enraged Timothy. His gauntlets begin to turn from the yellow glow to a bright orange. The two iron golems continue to walk to the cage and shove Timothy who was blocking their path out of the way. Timothy's gauntlets now flash crimson red.

They then say, "Any more attempts to delay our task will be met with great hostility."

Timothy runs and punches the Golem in the chin, the Golem retaliates and punches Timothy sending him flying across the room and into a wall.

Sakuretso, "Timothy!!! No!!!!"

Timothy lets out a yelp similar that to a dog in pain. Timothy's gauntlets turn a red the color of coagulated blood, and his eyes glow white like a burning flame , emotionless, as if all of the hate in the world was within those eyes.


Timothy teleports behind one of the two iron golems, and rips of its arms. He then proceeds to rip its core out of its chest from behind. He then teleports behind the other, and twists its neck, until it pops of its body. The iron golem's body without the instructions from its head, and the ability to see falls over. Timothy then walks over to the scared girls, and rips the door from each cage one by one

The younger of the two young blacked haired girls whisper to her older sister, "I'd hate to be on this guy's bad side. I'm glad he's on out team."

The older sibling whispers back, "Yeah same here."

All of the girls now turn, and all at once say to the now white-eyed Timothy, "Thank you."

"We should save thank-you-s for later, we have to get out out of here before more come. Grab hold of me I'm gonna teleport us as far away from here as I can get, " Timothy says. Once all of them have all grabbed onto his body he tries to teleport them back to their home, but only succeeded in getting them outside the village, because of fatigue from the use of both the gauntlets and the necklace for an extended period of time. Timothy then falls onto his knees, and starts puking in the grass, his eyes start to fade back to their normal brown. He wipes the vomit from his mouth using his shirt sleeve, soaking the blue shirt in green liquid with yellow, and green chunks, and the area he wiped the vomit including and the area around it turns a shade of green.

Sakuretso, and the older of the two young black haired sisters say, "Ewwwwwwwwwwwww!!! Gross!!!"

Dainamaito then says, "Grow up."

The younger black haired sister says, "And I thought you were supposed to be more grown up." Herobrine then teleports to them.

"I came to take you back to the forest we were in before I teleported you here. And congratulations on your success, for a second there I thought you weren't going to make it, I thought all of my work would have been wasted," says Herobrine in a surprised voice.

"I already figured you would be fatigued from the fighting so I came to help you. Now Let's all hold hands in a ring, and teleport, " says Herobrine excitedly.

Timothy, and Dainamaito both says, "Do we have to."

"No, but I thought it'd be fun," says Herobrine.

"Well as my great grandfather always said, 'I guess you thought like a chicken pecking in shit', " says Timothy.

"I don't know where your grandfather came up with that, but I agree," says Dainamaito.

Herobrine says, "Can you do it without complaining."

Timothy and Dainamaito both say, "Fine."

"Okay so Timothy grab my hand. And everyone else just hold onto Timothy," says Herobrine. Timothy walks over and holds Herobrine's hand. Everyone comes up, and wraps their bodies around Timothy. Timothy can feel the many boobs against his body. His controller turns on, he adjusts himself to hide the shameful lump in his pants, but finds himself unable.

Sakuretso confused asks, "What's this hard thing pressing against my body?"

Timothy blushes, and says, "I'd rather not say." This causes Sakuretso's face to turn as red as redstone, realizing what the hard thing against him is. Timothy fights the urge to grope the girls' breasts that are pressed up against him, they are tantalizing to him, but Timothy fights the urge.

"Now," Herobrine says. He then teleports them to a forest.

The girls get off him, and see the bulge in his pants, and all blush. The two young black haired girls punch him.

Timothy then says, "Now what is it that you want me to do for you?"

Herobrine responds saying, "I'm going to wait a bit for this mission. Enjoy your time until then."

Herobrine then teleports away leaving Timothy wondering what was Herobrine going to have them do.

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