Special Edition Chapter 1: "The Races of the Realm Part 1, The Monster Races"

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Welcome to the first Special Edition Chapter, or S.E.C.. In today's chapter we will talk about the different races.

Evolved Creepers:

They are humanoid.

Their homeland is a huge underground city beneath a tundra.

They do not have control of their ability to explode themselves.

Their ignition can be started because extreme anger, extreme fear, extreme surprise, extreme pain, touching a flame, and extreme heat.

Despite what is said in chapter 2, evolved creepers provide profit in the slave trade and often cost more to get than they will sell for, which is why they are often killed instead of enslaved.

They are often as tall as the average human.

They eat sulfur which gives them their explosive property, but can not stop eating it for if they did they would starve.

Human food is toxic to Evolved Creepers.

They often live up to eighty years in their underground city, but there average lifespan outside of there is the age of thirty due to the dangers of the outside world.

Due to how dangerous the outside world is to them almost no one ever leaves their underground city, and those that do are considered dead by all their loved ones the moment they leave, families often hold a funeral for their loved ones who decide to see the outside world.

Most that leave their city due indeed die within a year, those that don't either return, or have families that last for a couple generations until inevitably their bloodline ends due to the dangers of the outside world.


They are humanoid.

They have the power to teleport to anywhere within their sight.

For them water is like an acid, it is extremely painful for them to touch it, and it slowly burns away at their skin.

They can never be hit by arrows do to their teleportation reflex.

Most think that Enderpeople will attack you if you look at their face, but in reality they will only attack you if you look them in the eyes. This is due to the fact that in Enderpeople culture looking someone in the eyes is declaring that you want to fight them.

There race is a tall race, though taller than most it fails in comparison to some of the more rare and powerful races such as the giant zombies. They are often double the height of the average human, a midget for them one half a human taller than the average human height.

There race is herbivorous.

And there lifespan is around one hundred twenty years.


Most of the populace is humanoid, but the royalty has a human top half while a spider bottom half.

The common Arachnids can shoot webs out their hands, while the Royalty Arachnids can shoot webs from their thorax.

The royalty arachnids can spit out an acid to dissolve their meel and can secrete poison from their fangs but the rest have lost that evolutionary trait.

Their race is carnivorous.

They used to live in a huge city built from the royalty spiders extremely strong, but also elastic spider threads. The city's ground is one giant spider web, while the buildings are built from the same material but made into bricks. Though city now lies in ruins with dried blood stains on every wall and house and its inhabitants have fled or been enslaved, no one can disagree that it used to be one of the most elegant cities in all the land.

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