Chapter 6: Spider Queens???

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"Wait they're Spider Queens," Dainamaito, "I thought Spider Queens had a upper half that was human, a bottom half that was Spider, and Six Eyes?" Strange they don't match up with a single detail of my knowledge of Spider Queens.

Saruketso, "That's what I thought too."

"Oh so that's what Spider Queens are supposed to look like," Timothy.

"Well let's go help Kumo and Doku," said Timothy.

Saruketso, "But I'm hungry, can't we eat first."

Dainamaito, "Kumo and Doku need us, and you're thinking about filling your stomach."

Saruketso, "But dinner is the most important meal of the day."

Timothy, "I thought that was breakfast."

Dainamaito, "Saruketso."

Saruketso, "Yeah, I know we need to save Kumo and Doku. Let's go."

Narrator: Saruketso lets out a frustrated sigh.

Narrator: Thirty-Five Minutes Later

"Help Please Someone, get us out of here. We fell in the hole, and can't get out," Kumo.

"Just give it up, Kumo, we're all alone again. No one's going to come for us, they're going to leave us just like our parents," Doku.

The three companions run towards the two voice.

Doku, "Wait!! The edge isn't stable. You'll fall in."

But it was too late and they collapsed and were stuck in the hole with them.

Timothy, "I'm so glad you have such faith in me Doku."

Doku, "I thought you were going to leave us."

Timothy, "I would never leave my family."

Kumo and Doku, "Wait family!!"

Timothy, "Well you guys joined our little family, we're in it to the end, family never leaves each other. We'll be there to help you and support you, because that's what family is for. We're all in this together, and I'll make sure to protect all of my family, and keep them safe no matter what it takes."

Kumo, "Well thanks for not leaving us. We thought we were going to die in here."

Timothy, "That won't be happening as long as we're around."

Doku, "Thanks, just don't out to be as much of family as our parents."

Kumo, "Stop talking about them like that. You know they were just trying to protect us."

Doku, "Well let's stop this conversation for now, we have to find a way out."

Narrator: Find out what happens in the next chapter of a Dream Comes True, "Father".

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