Chapter 4: The Spider Siblings

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Timothy, "We haven't introduced ourselves yet. I am Timothy, I am a human not of this world...."

Timothy is unable to finish his sentence as the surprised siblings interrupt him.

Both of the black haired sisters interrupt saying, "Wait not of this world? Do you mean your from a real far away land on this planet?"

Timothy responds, "No. I mean exactly what I said I came from a different world, its name is Earth. I just woke up here on this planet about four days ago. My land was very different, but there were some similarities. There also have been a lot of differences in biology in organisms, physics, geology, bio-diversity, technology, mechanics, history, and how society works."

"But back to introductions, this is Sakuretso, she is the first one I came in contact with upon waking up in this world, and the other is her sister, Dainamaito, she hates me, and thinks all humans are evil. What are your names?"

The younger black haired sister says, "My name is Supaida, and this is my sister Doku, we are both spiders."

Timothy stupidly questions knowing that what he is about to say will piss them off , "Wait aren't spiders fuzzy, with somewhere between six and twelve eyes, with eight legs, and a thorax."

Doku responds, "No. You asking that is like us asking you about why you don't have a tail, covered in hair, pick bugs of your back, and swing in trees. Yes we are spiders, but we're more evolved, we still produce string, we also have fangs, but most of us have the gene that allows us to produce poison, but some still do like me. So unless you want some veno, I suggest you stop your ignorant questions."

Timothy says, "Sorry, the only people on my world are humans. There are millions of different animals, but they are not sentient at least not that we know of, they can't communicate with us, and they have no form of civilization."

Doku responds, "That doesn't make up for your ignorance, you should spend time learning about the place you may have to spend the rest of your life in."

Timothy, "I'll try learning more of this world's customs when I have time."

Kumo inquires, "Why did you save us?"

Timothy responds, "Because, it was the right thing to do."

Kumo then says, "But aren't you a human?"

Timothy answers, "Yes, but not all humans are bad. I want to help this world as much as I can and create peace between humans and the other mobs of this world."

Kumo thinks, "This is confusing. Why would a rechid human ever help us. What sort of motives does this guy have? He has to be wanting something. Though I guess different worlds could probably be the reason for his difference to the humans of this world. But he probably still has mal intent since he is a human"

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