Chapter 5: The New Agenda

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Seeing the sun will set soon,Timothy says, "Well enough of introductions, we must set up camp for the night. Kumo and Doku gather some logs. Dainamaito, you get some flint, Sakuretso you get some iron, and I'll make some tents, and sleeping bags." Each one sets off to complete their tasks." The five comrades set of on their tasks.

Narrator: 2 hours later

Narrator: Dainamaito, and Saruketso have returned but Kumo and Doku have yet to return.

Timothy, "Kumo and Doku should have returned by now."

Dainamaito, "No need to worry, they're probably just taking a bit longer."

Narrator: Herobrine appears before the group once more.

Timothy, "I guess you're here about your end of the deal. I'm ready for whatever curse you put on me, or evil thing your going to do."

Herobrine, "Oh yeah, I forgot in your world I'm a bad guy. I think it's time you learn about the history of this world. So at first there was just a void, me, and Notch. Then we eventually wanted a change of scenery, so we created the world. But we grew tired of developing and maintaining the world so we created humans. We didn't want to have to constantly direct them on what to do, so we gave them the ability to think of their own ideas. They eventually grew their own personalities, and beliefs. Hundreds of years later they grew tired of being our servents, and for the first said no to one of our commands. I realized they were there own people, but Notch was mad and wiped out the entire group of humans who had disobeyed him. This angered me, so I created beings to protect living creatures from Notch. These beings were the first spider queen, the withers, the dragons, the giants, the giant slimes, the first Skeleton King, the Creeper Queen, the Golems, and the Villagers. The withers created Wither Skeletons, Zombie Pigmen, Magma Cubes, Ghasts, and Blazes, the Creeper Queen created Creepers, the dragons created Endermen, Shulkers, and Endermite, the Skeleton King created Skeletons, and Skeleton Horses, the giants created Zombies, and Zombie Horses, the Giant Slimes created Slimes, and the Spider Queen created Spiders. Then Notch gave the humans the order to kill the monsters, they loving their creator followed this order. The humans mistaked the order and left the Golems and Villagers alone which is why they are still allies with the humans. The non-humans were scared disobey the order to protect all life so for a while they didn't put up a fight. But eventually I learned of this news, and told them that they are included in the order to protect life, so they should fight to defend their lives. But by that time, Giant slimes, Giants, most Withers, and all Dragons except one Dragon and an egg. Thus began the Great War that is still raging on today. Do you get it now?"

Timothy, "Yeah I think so." Well I only understand some of it but you know I don't want to make him spend all his time explaining me what the things he just said mean.

Herobrine, "Good. Tommorrow head for the Castle of Heroinebrine, my daughter, on the mountain fifty thousand blocks east. Speak to her, and she will tell you how to unlock your powers. Once you have unlocked I will see you again, and you will completer one final task. Once you have done this I will return you to your world or you can stay if you so wish. Oh and those young Spider Queens you've had with you have with you, are stuck in a hole three thousand blocks directly north of here. Well I better be on my way, I've got important stuff to do.." LIke I have anything to do, who am I kidding I'm just going to watch some anime.

Timothy, "Wait, what do you mean Spider Queens!" Just as Timothy says this Herobrine teleports away.

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