Chapter 8: A Wishing Stone

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"God damnit," says Dainamaito, "I knew we shouldn't have listened to him."

"I'm sorry, this is my fault," Timothy says apologetically.

Dainamaito, "Hell right it is."

Saruketso, "It's not Timothy's fault. We didn't know where we were going. Should we have traveled through this place without knowing where, gotten lost and probably killed."

"No... but it's still his fault," Dainamaito.

"Thanks for defending me, Saruketso," Timothy.

"Now that you are done talking, I will introduce myself. My name is Homunkuruso. Son of Jeb and Heroinebrine, I was informed of your impending arrival. I'm supposed to take you to you mother, so she can tell you the plan and explain the truth about yourself to you in greater detail."

Timothy turned to see a beautiful android modeled to look like a girl in her late teens. He could see a glowing shiny color-changing stone in her chest.

Timothy, "What are you? And what is that stone in your chest?"

"To answer your first question, I am the first ever free-thinking android with human emotions. The stone in my chest contains your father's god-like powers. Once it is removed I will become dead and lifeless. This is the same for my younger sister who holds your power. Please find it in your heart to save her life by not releasing the power from the stone in your chest. We have grown to be much more than machines," Homunkuruso.

"And what's this about me being the son of Jeb and Heroinebrine," Timothy.

"Well Merciless Man, as most races call him, is really the son of Notch known as Jeb. And your mother is really the daughter of Herobrine, Heroinebrine," Homunkuruso, "It shall be explained in further detail when you meet your mother who is through the portal. And please consider saving the life of my little sis."

"Through the portal after me," Homunkuruso.

Narrator: The five companions and the android walk through the portal to Heroinebrine's tower."

Find out what happens next time on "Chapter 9: Heroinebrine"

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