part 6 - back to Melbourne

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walking back to the hotel were i was staying i could not stop thinking about her and how the way she acts she not like the other girls that i know she so lad back. i walk into my hotel i see flynn slater i want up to him and asked him for a photo he said sure thing i walked off and posted it on my Instagram and i got into my room and turned on the tv and backed my bags for my flight out tomorrow.


 i wake up laying in bed its about 6am i get up and put my wet suit and headed down to the beach for a surf on my way there i walked pasted maddie shop she was not there looked like her dad so i walked in had a look at the surfboards. he walked up to me and said "hey do u need any help with with looking at the borads nice one u have here"

i said "not atm i just looking yeah got it made in bail when i was over there you own this shop"

mitch said "yeah me and my daughter have since we forever"

josh" that cool you surf a lot them i take"

mitch " you i surf when i can maddie my daughter does she about your age"

josh " yeah i came in here the other day and she was here some kid run up to her yelling something out"

mitch"yesh that must of been jake he does that all the time she teacher him surfing when she not at uni and working he a good kid"

josh " i better go get a wave before it gets busy i got a plane to get to later"

mitch " wait you play for melbourne good game u guy played"

i walked out of the shop made my way down to the beach man its a nice morning out here sat on the sand looking at everyone out there then i hear someone come up to me it was flynn 

flynn" hey what up your the guy that was with maddie the other night right"

josh"yesh i was why you asking" 

flynn" does not matter want to have a surf with me"

josh " yeah of course i do i looked up to your dad"

flynn" hurry up then"

i picked up my surfboard went in to the water it was good flynn gave me some tips man he is a good surfer just for a 22 year old i made my way out of the water i saw flynn standing on the beach talking to maddie she much of just finished uni i walked over to them and maddie looked right at me and said whats up "surfer boy look good out there"

i said " thanks your not to bad your self there how was uni"

maddie said "it was ok not so much fun"

flynn said " i better go got a plane to get in 2 hours"

maddie " come your off again you just got here"

flynn" yeah sorry maddie i will be back in 4 weeks"

maddie " 4 weeks with out seeing you sweet pea yeah good luck talk soon"

josh" good luck buddy"

flynn" good luck with the season remember what i told you"

maddie " made a new friend surfer boy"

josh " i make firends every were i go"

we walked back to the shop we talked and all that we walked in her dad said 

Mitch" how was uni sweetpea"

maddie "dad dont call me that"

josh " sweetpea hey"

Mitch " hey your back  josh thought you would of left"

josh " yeah i leave at at 7 tonight sorry i better go i got lunch with the family"

mitch "oh that cool hope to see you next time your down"

maddie said she would walk me out i was standing there i wanted to kiss her but couldn't i don't know why all that came out was see you soon and i walked back to the hotel.

after lunch i made my way to the airport back to Melbourne i got to the airport i checked my ticket i walked thought to were my gate was i put my headphones in played my songs i looked thought my photo and i saw a photo of me and maddie i did not even know she took that so i set it as my background on my phone. i made my way over to the plane and got in my sit and fall to sleep. 

hope you all like the book so far xx  

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