part 13 - in Melbourne

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I got up early about 6 and went for a run since we don't have any games for another 3 days run about 3km

I went into this cafe and had ordered a coffee and read the paper after a while I looked up and josh and a few of the other boys were in the cafe.

I got up and put my paper back and made my way out the door as I was doing that I run into someone and they dropped there coffee.
I said " I am so sorry let me buy you a another one there"

I looked up too see who it was and it was Jack viney
He said " Maddie that you have not seen you since the old days"
I said " wait Jack I forgot you play for Melbourne"
Jack" how can you forget about me we use to kill it before you moved"

I said " hey you mean I use to bet you"
Jack" what you doing down in Melbourne anyway"
I said " here on a netball trip with some of the girl"
Jack" let me know when your playing we and and the Gf will come and watch you"
I said " yeah I will shoot you a text and let you know same number right"
Jack said " yeah of course"

I made my way out of the cafe and saw Josh leaving I put my headphones in and acted like I was listening to songs he walked up and tapped Mr on the shoulder and I turned around took my headphones out

I said " we meet again do we"
Josh " so netball hey how do u know Jack"
I said " yeah netball long Story"
Josh " how about you tell me over dinner tonight I will pick you up at 7"
I said " as long as I get to pick the place"
Josh said "that's does not work like that babe"
I said  " well then babe 7 it is I will text you were to meet"

I put my headphones in and went back to the hotel I got there and Jason our netball trainer was like your back off to training now you have 5 min to run upstairs to get your stuff.

I went up to get what I need and the  we jumped on the bus the trainer said we are going to be using essendon fc training ground for the next 2 weeks

I yelled out " but do we have to your the own one that goes for them"
He said "Maddie do you really want to  do laps again"
I said " as long as I can run laps with a footy you got deal"

The bus pulled up to the club and the boys were out there he was like OMG look we watch them while we wait to use the gym

I got out of the bus and made my way to the ground with Zoe and Hannah I was watching then kick and do all there drills and I did not see a ball coming my way and it hit me right on the face Hannah and zoe laughed and then one of the player come over and said OMG I am so sorry I was not meant to kick it that way are you OK you need ice for that he walked me over to there trainer and told them what happened the trainer said " will you need to be more careful were you kick it"
Will said " sorry Jay your in good hand there love"

The trainer said hold ice on it for a bit you can sit here if you like

I watched training for a bit Jason out trainer was like a kid in a candy shop watching his boys

I went to get up and then I hear someone say don't you need to sit there I looked up it was the guy who hit me with that footy

I said " well if you may know I feel better now"
Will said " well that good to hear love I am will btw what your your name"
I said " will nice to meet you I am Maddie"
Will " so what's a pretty girl like you doing out here"
I said " if you look over there you see that guy that's getting a photo with browny that's my netball trainer we are using your indoor space for training"
Will said " well that's cool he looks like a kid in a candy store your not from Melbourne are you"
I said " how can you tell"
Will " well your tanned as fuck BTW I am so sorry I hit you in the face let me make it up to you this week we are playing at the MCG we are playing Melbourne I will leave you 4 tickets and room passes for you"
I said " OMG you don't have too thank I better go "

I walked off to were Hannah and Zoe were they said who that's cute guy I said that's the one who hit me in the head he going to leave tickets for the game Sunday afternoon for me

We did out training and I made my way to the bus and I saw will leaving with some of the other boys he waved and I just smiled and hoped on the bus I went on instagram and looked him and and went to follow in we got back to the hotel I went up to have a shower and put on my nice light blue dress and white shoes and put my hair in a bum and made my way to Zoe room I knocked on the door she opened it and said wow girl you look great.
Josh texted me saying he is out side I made my way down to were he was he was waiting next to his car he opens the door and I hoped in
He said "wow you look pretty how was your day"
I said " well let's just say I got hit in the face by a footy and leave it at that part from that it was great"
Josh said " well you still look pretty to me"

My photo went off and it said willbhams is not following you
I just left it and kinda smiled Josh looked at it and went back to driving

We got to were we were having dinner I hoped out of the car and said wait we are going to chin chin he said yeah you like I said I love it

We walked in got our table and ordered food and drinks I had water  I can't drink when we are playing a game in the afternoon

Our food come out and we talked and talked got to know him a bit better and he leant how I know Jack viney and find out we played footy together and all that

At the end of it he went up to pay I said let me pay some he said hell no your not paying I said well do you like ice-cream then let me pay for that we drove to this really go Ice cream shop and I payed for the then he dropped he back.

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