back at the club

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been 4 weeks since dad died and i am back at the club today I went to get dress and made my way to the car I pulled up into the car park and before I could turn off the car my dads favorite song come on next thing I know I was crying and sad in the car till i hear a knock at my window it turned to see who it was it was Scott i opened my car door and got my bag and made my way into the club i did not say a word to him

i walked in to the staff and saw jazz she said glad your back the boys have been driving me crazy i said " that good i happy i am back" i put my stuff in my locker and made way to gym were the boys were

i walked into the gym and all the boys turned around and were happy yo see me i looked at Scott he had a look on his face i should not of walked off on him they went back to what they were doing.

it was lunch time i went to sit at the table when some of the boys come up to me and told me it was good to see me back i got up and walked out on the ground with a footy.

scott's P.O.V

i saw Maddie eating lunch and some if the boys go up to her and talk to her next thing I saw her get up and walked away I got up and walked after her I saw she was sitting in the middle of the ground with the footy I walk up to her and said " Maddie you OK I know it hard being back here"
She just said " he gone Scott he not coming back he the only thing I had left of family left"
I sad " I know you miss him you don't needed to hide it its ok to cry"
She said " come one let's walk in like nothing happened at all remember keep your head up"

She walked back in to the massage room and keep walking

I got out my phone and called josh
Josh " josh speaking how can I help you"
Scott " hey josh it's Scott Selwood was wondering if you maddie since she got back"
Josh " he man not much really how is she going thou"
Scott " well she walked off at lunch and sat in the middle of the oval"
Josh " was going to ask he bday is in 4 days and I not at the club that day can you help me throw a little party for her"
Scott " yeah is that the Monday don't thing we are too sure I can get some of the other to help"
Josh " can you keep a eye on her for me miss her"

I hoped in the car and made my way home stop past the shops to get ice cram
I drive into the driveway and saw the jade was not home so I watching the rest of my movie and went to bed
I wake up to jade coming thou the door she must Been on a date again

Man I miss josh

I got out my phone and texted him

" hey babe I know I been not talking to you and shut you are atm just feel alone with out dad miss your face and cuddle will see you sometime soon xx"
Sent text

And I went to sleep

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