part 30

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I was walking down the street with the dogs when my phone went off and it was Flynn " hey we need you home right away dad really sick" I hung up the phone and run home with the dog and open the door and run upstairs and packed some clothes I walked down the stairs and jazz was like " hun you OK what's up" I said " dad in hospital I got to go"
Jazz" I will take you to the airport I will tell the club for you take your time"
I said " thx hun means a lot"
As we were driving to the airport I booked my plane on the way it was leaving at 3:30 it was 1 already

I texted Flynn and telling the what's going on and what time it gets in"

I got onto the plane and just put my headphones in and went to sleep for waken up by the person next to me saying we are here

I packed up my stuff and walked out and saw Flynn waiting for me

I said " thanks for this means a lot"
Flynn " dad out the front in the car to take you to see him"

We were walking to the car and when Flynn get people coming up to him he said just go will meet you later I walked to the car

I opened the door to see Kelly
He said " good to see you were flynn"
I said " just leave he getting asked questions again"
He said " again ok"

We got to the hospital Kelly dropped me off and said text me when u want to

I walked in asked to find were dad was find his room
Walked in to see a lady with him

I said " oh hey dad I can come back later if like".
Doctor said " don't be silly your family"
I said " so how is he going is his Health OK and all that though"
Doctor " yeah he is in good health but don't know what happened and why he went down"
I said " oh that's not good at all"
Doctor " sorry but we are doing some test now and all that but you can wait out side for me"

Then my phone went off it was Josh

Josh " hey Maddie hope your going OK just asking do you want to catch up"

I said " sorry Josh can't I back home dad not well don't know when J will be back"
Josh " oh no give him hug for me to old keep me posted too"

Went back in and told dad but he was asleep so I made my way out if the hospital I google him far Kelly's place is it's only 20min form here so I just walked.

Sorry for the late update
Been very busy with work 🙄

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