Part 22- vfl game

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today was my first game working as a trainer i dont have jazz with me as she is going the MCG game and i am doing the vfl game.

i wake up at like 6 am and went for a run for about 1 hour got back went to have a shower and put on my geelong stuff made my way down to see jazz made pancakes went to get a plate and my sugar and lemon 

jazz " your first vfl game and it has to playing casey"

i said " yeah i wonder how that worked out"

jazz "anyway text me if u need me"

i went to the couch and watched tv before the game had to be there at 11:30 watched one ep of catfish love that show for some reason

Made my way to the ground put my Bluetooth on and played my game day playlist as I pulled out if the drive way my phone went off it was a unknown number
I said " hey this is Maddie who's this"
Ryan said " to Maddie it Ryan how are you going pls tell me your not at the ground"
I said "lucky for you I just pulled out of the drive way what's up"
Ryan " well my car won't start and the other left to go to the G"
I said " you want Mr to pick you up on the way to ground"
Ryan "yeah I would love that if you could I will shoot you the address now"
I said " yeah that would be great"

Got the address and drove to his place it was only 10 min away like only 4 streets away he was out the front he put his stuff in the back of the car and hoped in and have me a hug and a little smile and said thanks for this

We started driving to the club and freaky Friday came on and I started to sing it and Ryan was like on OK I said don't judge my playlist of song or your walking to the club
We got to the club I parked my car as I parked it I saw Josh park near my car I told Ryan he can go I just have to call dad I waited for Ryan to go I to the club First
I walked over to Josh car he got out and said
Josh "oh hey how things looking forward for tonight"
I said " of course I am won't miss it for the world"
Josh " good coz you will love this place"

I walked into the club rooms and start to set up stuff and take some of the other stuff on to the ground and saw Josh kicking to himself with headphones on I wonder what he listens too then I see one of there player walking near me gave me a half smile.

It was game time now the boys were playing well they were up by 25 at half time but then Ryan got knocked to the ground and I saw Josh with a blood nose and a cut near his eye
I just looked and he walked off
Told Ryan not to more he got up and come off with a blood nose
I said "what happened who puched who"
Ryan said " well I puched Josh coz he said I got he girl you did not "
I said " so you hit him for saying that did he hit you back"
Ryan " yeah I am sorry it's just I guess I like you nope he walked off"

We ended up winning the game by 12 points in the end I packed up every I need to to and made my way to my car as I was walking to the car I see that guy he walked up to me and said "you must be Maddie I take them I am Ben I play with Josh"
I said " yeah I know who u are I went for Melbourne not I work for geelong"
Ben said "suck to be you then maddie"
Josh " oh Ben stop talk and get in the car"
I said "oh josh your only saying that cuz he got better tattoos".
Ben " you love tattoos she a keeper Josh"

Ben hoped in his car and drive off
I said "he seem lovely guy"
Josh "yeah he great once you know him"
I said who care we going to take then since I had to pick up Ryan on the way here
Ryan walked out and up to us and said"ready to drive me back home"
I said "oh yeah about that you can drive it to your place and I will pick it up later coz I going out with Josh"
Ryan "oh OK then that's cool"

I gave him the keys and he drove off

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