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Josh " so what's going on with you and Ben you seem close 😔"
Maddie " oh hey to you too nothing going on we are mates"
Josh " well mates don't stay over the night"
Maddie " why do you care not like we are going out"
Josh " that hurt a little you know I have feelings for you"
Maddie I know you do so do I but I can't wait around for you to make the move when I made the first one"

Josh " so you do like me"
Maddie " josh I would of not kissed you at my birthday party if I did not like you"
Josh " then what does that make you and Ben"
Maddie " well Ben come into the shop a few years ago and we started talking and all that and we switch numbers and all that and become close"

Josh " so nothing more then"
Maddie " nothing at all I going to bed it's 2am"

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