Chapter Two

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Vixen was sitting at her regular reserved table at The Honey Pot waiting for all the girls to arrive. She was reading a text from her assistant, Sarah, on her phone and answering an email from a big client on her tablet. Thinking "I know these bitches know I have stuff to do and it is hard to do this lunch every week. They better come on!" Just as she was thinking that, Nya walked in the door. Vixen saw her coming so before she started in on her, she put her tablet and phone away. "Hi, how are you today, girl?" Vixen said as she hugged her friend Nya Black. "I am good, Lil' Bit, how are you?" Nya replied and they both laughed.

Nya had called Vixen "Lil' Bit" since the first day they met thirteen years ago. Vixen was five foot tall and flat footed. She and Nya had met in the hall of the dorm where they both resided in college. She was bare foot. She had looked her up and down and said, "Are you one of those tiny geniuses?" Nya was not much taller at 5'5" but it was enough.

Vixen was in a five inch stiletto most of the time now and hardly anyone ever saw her flat footed but they could still tell she was small, so she didn't mind the nick name! As they sat down after they hugged, the waitress approached the table. "Can I get something for you ladies to drink?" the waitress said happily as she placed her hand on Nya's arm.

Just as Vixen was thinking, "Lady, please take your hands off her", Nya said to the waitress, "The first thing you should do, is stop touching me" with a look of complete and total disgust on her face at this white waitress touching her bare skin. "Then you can send us a black waitress" she said finishing her statement. A stunned and confused waitress stood at the table looking at Nya and Vixen with confusion and pain on her face as Vixen spit out the water she was drinking right at the moment of her statement.

"Can you bring her a Ciroc and pineapple juice, please and I will take a tea, thank you", Vixen said trying to defuse the situation. She grabbed Nya's hand and squeezed it as the waitress walked away.

"Did you see that heffa touch me?" Nya said as she was wiping at her shoulder; Nya had grown up in the south in a small town in Georgia and because of some very terrifying experiences, she had a strong mistrust and distaste for white people. Vixen had known her for thirteen years and Nya had changed a great deal over the years. Her anger and hate of white people, male or female, had gone from "kill whitey no matter the gender or age" to a mild to low tolerance of them. Vixen had spent a lot of time with her talking to her and sharing with her that she understood and agreed that there were some racist and hateful people in the world. But not everyone was the same and if we wanted to be given the consideration of not being put in a "box" then we should do the same for them. Even when it was hard, Vixen was so proud of Nya that she would "socialize" with Camille, Vixen's close friend who was a white woman, let alone letting a white person touch her without hurting them.

Many did not understand Nya but Vixen knew her heart was as big as all outdoors and when she loved, she loved hard. But very few people except Vixen and a few others knew these things.

"I know, I know, I almost screamed "white lady, don't do it", when I saw her hand coming toward you" Vixen said laughingly as she passed Nya the hand sanitizer she had dug out of her purse as the exchange was going on. Just as Nya was getting what she felt was a disgusting "aura" of a white person touching her skin off her body, Phoenix and Camille arrived in the restaurant. As Phoenix was speaking to the hostess, Camille noticed Vixen and Nya at the table.

"There they are! Hey ladies" Camille squealed in a high pitched tone, while waving her hand like she was in a Miss America parade. Phoenix grabbed her hand and rolled her eyes heaven ward and started walking toward the table.

As they were approaching, Nya leaned in to Vixen and said "You have me sitting at a table having lunch with Barbie twice a month you better know I love you."

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