Chapter Three

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Vixen was looking at all the clothes on her bed, floor and walls desperately trying to figure out what to wear. She had gone back to the office after lunch with the girls and had not been able to concentrate so had left and gone to get a mani-pedi and got her hair done. Vixen had figured that if she wanted to be "real" with him, she should not go out and buy something new to wear. Besides, she was steadily losing weight and it would be a waste to buy something she was not going to be able to wear in a couple of weeks. She was now standing in the middle of her 1,500 square foot bedroom that looked like a women's clothing store had exploded in the room and still was no closer to deciding what to wear. "Maybe I should call and cancel," she said out loud to herself. "Yes, I am going to cancel," she said as she was trying to find her cell phone under the piles and piles of clothes.

She had been looking for her cell phone for at least ten minutes when her doorbell rang. She looked at her watch. Right at 7:00 pm on the dot, the girls were there. She went to the door and there they were her crew, Phoenix, Nya, and Camille.

"Come on in, ladies," Vixen said as she backed up to let them into her foyer. "I was just about to call Daniel to cancel," Vixen said over her shoulder. Just as she was putting the phone to her ear to hear the ringing, Phoenix snatched the phone from her and ended the call.

"No, you are not," Phoenix replied. "If I had to take half a day and go shopping with this chipper ass broad," she said pointing to Camille, "you are going on this date, and I am making me a drink," she said over her shoulder as she walked toward the bar in Vixen's sitting room.

"Well, we knew that," Nya said jokingly under her breath but loud enough for all of them to hear. Phoenix gave her the finger over her shoulder.

"Wait a minute, why were you two shopping together?" Vixen asked Camille with a confused look on her face.

"We went to get you something to wear tonight because we knew you wouldn't," Camille said putting her arm around her friend and turning her toward her bedroom as she handed her the bags they had brought in with them.

"I had to check on a patient and there is only so much of Camille I can stomach in one day, so I did not go," Nya said walking behind them. Nya was Dr. Nya Black, the head Pediatric Nero-surgeon at Lionsgate Hospital. She lived and breathed medicine. She knew the "alternative" forms of medical care just as good as she knew the western forms. She loved her work and was an exceptional doctor.

"Nya, you didn't have to come for this mess if you have a patient," Vixen said as they all got to her bedroom.

"I said we had you, Lil' Bit, and we do, now drop it and..." Nya said as she stopped dead in her tracks looking around Vixen's bedroom.

Shaking her head, she said, "Did you turn an industrial fan on in here?" She was stepping over the mountains of clothes in the room.

"I cannot find anything I want to wear, you guys. I am so nervous," she said anxiously as she looked around the room.

"We got you a new outfit from head to toe, honey. It's gonna be okay," Camille said as she was taking things out the bags that she had handed Vixen.

"Well, damn, have I had that much to drink already? Or is this room fucked up?" Phoenix said standing in the door way of Vixen's room looking around.

"Phoenix, you can guarantee... you always drink too much," Nya said laughingly from across the room.

"Damn straight," she said as she stepped over the first pile of clothes and shoes in the room. "V, is your maid coming tomorrow?" Phoenix said looking around. "This would be nothing to me but your neat ass is going to come unhinged after this date," Phoenix said sighing and looking around the room.

THE VIXENOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora