Chapter Six

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"3 a.m., you have got to be fucking kidding me..... 3 a.m.! I have shit to do tomorrow," Daniel thought as he sat up in bed agitated. He threw back his king sized duvet and swung his legs around to sit on the side of the bed. He rubbed his hands through his hair and exhaled deeply. "What the fuck happened tonight? Where was his Vixen? Who was the woman that had come to dinner?"

She was gorgeous. He had seen her picture many times and knew she had a heart melting smile, but when he saw her in person, it had been heart stopping. Her eyes were so big and brown. You could just tell she was a star that would shine in his heart forever. He had been a little shocked to see her curvy figure but he had never seen her from the breasts down. Okay, yes, he should have realized that before tonight. But he was so turned on by her figure that his dick was still throbbing so what difference did it make?

He got up and flipped on the light in the sitting area of his bedroom and put on his navy blue silk robe. But her smile and her voice were distracting and, don't get me started on those breasts. He poured himself a sniffer of the 80 year old brandy his father had given him when he had made that eighty million dollar deal. As he sipped it he thought, "That is good stuff. Damn." Daniel said as he slammed his glass down on the bar. "What had happened tonight? Had Vixen been drinking?" No, he knew better than that, she didn't even take a sip of the drink she had ordered at dinner. Wait, what was that? Is that my phone? "That is my phone," he said looking around for his phone and looking down at his watch. 3:30 a.m.! "Who was calling him at 3:30 in the morning?" He hoped it wasn't a family emergency as he found the handset that sat on the side table by his bed.

"Hello," Daniel said into the phone with a level of strain in his voice.

"I knew it. I knew you would be up. How was it? Was it good? Did you hit it? Was it worth the wait? I would never wait six months for pussy but hey, to each his own," Salvatore said into the phone a little louder than necessary but he sounded like he was in the car.

"Why the fuck are you calling me with this, this early, Sal? Why aren't you in bed?" Daniel said irritably, more because Vixen was more to him than just a piece of ass and then Sal calling him at 3 in the morning. Daniel sat down hard on his bed and started to rub the bridge of his nose.

"She didn't give it up, did she? She didn't. Six months and a diamond bracelet and she played you. I told you," he said "I told you," he laughed into the phone like it thrilled him at the thought of Vixen turning him down for sex.

"Shut the fuck up, Sal. We didn't even have dinner. She got pissed off and walked out!" Daniel yelled into the phone.

"I have told you more than once not to talk about Vixen like that and I mean it. DON'T TALK ABOUT HER LIKE THAT, GOT IT?" he said because Sal once again had pissed him off being such an ass.

"I am sorry, man. Cool out, I am just messing around. What happened, D?" Sal was really concerned about him. He sounded upset and D was never phased especially about his good natured ribbing. Daniel exhaled hard and fell back on his bed and started to rub his nose. He had a headache forming and it was pissing him off. He really wanted to go to sleep.

"To be honest with you, man, I have no idea. I don't know what happened. I just know that I don't think I will ever speak to Vixen again after tonight and I don't know why. I thought I would marry this one, man." The line was quiet. Daniel thought for a second that the call may have dropped. Then Sal said, "Come to my condo tomorrow morning at 7 a.m. We are all going to work out and I will have my housekeeper Rosa make us a breakfast that even the fat boy Gavin will love." Daniel chuckled because as much shit as Sal talked behind his back he would never say any of that shit to Gavin because Gavin would lay his ass out.

"Are we going to be having a feminine moment,Sal? What model did you climb off of tonight? I think this one got to you!"Daniel said jokingly. Sal laughed out loud and said, "She actually climbed offme, and you know women get to one area of my body and it's nowhere near myheart and a gentleman never tells," Daniel chuckled again. "Well, I guess it'sa good thing that I don't know any gentlemen. I will see you at seven," Danielsaid and hung up the phone. ace donJ8

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