Chapter Twenty Two

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Vixen was exhausted. All she wanted to do was go to Daniel's house, ride his dick until she was ready to pass out and cuddle next to him. Then sleep until tomorrow afternoon. And that was exactly what she had planned as she was packing her things getting ready to leave. She knew she was going to have to get on a plane to Paris tomorrow to go and deal with distributors she hoped that she could convince Daniel to go with her and they could take the mini vacation they had been talking about and she could finally tell him she was pregnant. She had been trying to think of a special way to tell him for days. She had managed to put out the fires and was ready to leave when she heard a knock at her office door. Daniel had come for her.

"Hello? Daniel?"

"Hardly. It's me." The snarl of a lonely bitch came from the doorway. It was Jackie.

"We have nothing to say to each other," Vixen said as she continued to finish packing up her brief case.

"Yes, we do. If you want to know what I know about your boyfriend, you will listen to what I have to say." Jackie had all the venom she could muster in her voice. Vixen wondered how she had ever thought this woman was her friend.

"You don't know anything about my boyfriend, Jackie and that is your problem. You would not know love if it stood on your head and performed a tap dance."

"You think so? Is that why your man just fucked me but good?"

Vixen sucked in an angry breath.

"You lying, scheming bitch. You'll do anything to break us up, won't you? Well, it won't work. I don't believe you."

"I thought you wouldn't," she said, sauntering over to Vixen's desk.

"Then why are you here trying to make trouble between us?" Vixen said.

"I have proof of what happened, Vixen. I don't have lie to you. If you want to keep your head buried in the sand like an ostrich, fine, don't listen to me. You'll learn he can't be trusted the hard way—just as I learned about Gavin. If you want to know the truth about him before it's too late, then you will hear me out."

If Vixen had any inkling of how Jackie felt about her, she wouldn't have been tempted to listen to her. She knew her motives were suspect and she couldn't be trusted. Actually, she knew she was jealous of her relationship with Daniel and wanted to break them up. She should have remembered that.

"I went to talk to him about Gavin to see if I could get some insight into that fatty breaking up with the best thing that will ever happen to him. Before I knew it, Daniel was all over me wanting to stick his dick in my ass."

"Just stop it right there. If you're going to try and tell me Daniel came on to you and fucked you, let me save you the trouble and tell you that I don't believe you."

She tossed her head angrily. "Why not, because you think you are a better looking woman than me?"

"Because he's spent the last few weeks with me and I know he's not interested in you or anyone else. Because, like Gavin he can smell used trash from a mile away."

She shook her head. "Oh God, does he have you snowed... I am going to enjoy this." Jackie was tired of people calling her trash. No one knew what she was going through and no one cared. You were supposed to be my friend, well I will make you suffer.

Vixen stared at her. "Do you actually expect me to believe he cheated on me with you, of all people?"

"Yes, I do because it's true," she said, smiling.

"Sure it is. And the sky is falling, too, isn't it?"

"I just wanted to save you the grief I know you will have if you find out later."

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