Chapter Twenty Three

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Daniel spent a long, angry night roaming the streets. He could not be in his apartment she was everywhere her clothes her scent he couldn't take it. He finally was too exhausted to even think so he went home and fell into bed still not returning his mother's messages. He was tossing trying to sleep, wondering where Vixen was and what Jackie had told her. He had never needed to talk to anyone so much before. He felt so alone and so damned scared every time he thought of Vixen and the baby. For the first time in his life, he was in love and a cheap whore he didn't even know had ruined his chances of happily ever after-just because she was a jealous, greedy bitch who wanted money.

Daniel fell asleep somewhere near dawn. He was unsure how long he slept before he heard the loud ring of his house phone. No one called him on that phone but his mother and Vixen. Daniel sprang out of bed and grabbed the phone, dropping it and then picking it back up.

"Hello" he said gruffly into the phone.

"Daniel, you have had me worried sick I called you five times yesterday! Why didn't you return my calls?" his mother said angrily

Sighing heavily "I am so sorry mom, I cannot find Vixen, she had broken up with me and kicked me out of her life but I do not know why" Daniel said rambling. He was distraught and exhausted. He faltered into tears.

"I know Daniel, I called her yesterday because I did not hear from you, and I was trying to find out why you two had not come to the dinner. She told me that she would not be coming to dinner because you had broken her heart and she was done with you." His mother did not have the heart to tell him she knew Vixen was pregnant.

All the anger, fear and pain of the last day crashed over him and the next thing Daniel knew, he was bawling like a baby.

She cried with him, telling him she loved him no matter what. Daniel told her about Vixen's message.

That's when his mom told him that Vixen had said that she was pregnant but that Daniel had betrayed her in the worst way and she was done with him for good but that she would never keep them out of their grandchild's life.

"She is in Paris, darling. She is going to have the baby there and wants you to stay away from her," his mother said sadly.

"I knew you had been with her. I knew you loved her..." She paused when she realized that her son was surprised to hear her say that. "You are your father's son, Danilo. It was all over you when you brought her to meet us. I also knew this was not the type of woman to lie about the parentage of her child so I waited to hear it from you. When I didn't hear from you yesterday I figured I should call the house line until I got you."

His baby was having his baby and she thought he had betrayed her with one of her closest friends. No wonder she left.

His mother sighed.

"Right now we have to figure out how to make things right with your Vixen. I want to see my grandchild and my future daughter in law with you.

He shook his head. "I don't know if that's possible. Jackie must have done a good job on Vixen to make her believe there was something physical between us."

"Gavin!" his mom said suddenly. "That's it!"

"What's it?" Daniel said looking at the phone like his mother had lost her mind.

"Gavin has a security company. Surely he has connections and can find Vixen for you so you can explain."

"There are pictures, Mom, real but not in the context of the truth. I cannot imagine how hurt she must be, to leave and cut me out of our child's life and hers. Let me explain."

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