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After a long walk to the bus stop, I rest on the chair and pull out my phone to check if I received any new messages.

No new messages.

I groan. Why does it feel like I'm craving someones attention? as if I'm waiting for anyone to text me at the moment and ask if I'm okay or want to talk to me.

The other day Jimin set me up on a blind date with some guy called Jungkook and to be honest...A guy who kept on talking about his ex boyfriend ,Taehyung I think his name was? It was no fun. Opposites do not attract in my opinion.

My thoughts are interrupted by the noise the door of the bus makes when it opens, making me slip my phone back into the pockets of my slightly baggy jeans and walk up to swipe my card and find a seat.

Usually the bus would be a double decker but today it was just a normal bus, meaning it was more crowded than usual.

I make my way to the very back where no one would sit there and plopped my belongings onto the seat next to me, pulling out my phone once again still with a spark of hope that someone would bother texting me.

Just before the driver closes the door, a young boy in school uniform was running as fast as he could to make it on time, waving his hands as a signal for the driver to stop.

I rest my eyes on the boy with red cheeks and was now panting heavily as he fiddled through his pocket to pay for a ticket, which seems like a day pass. - why am i so observant? -

The next thing I knew is that he's making his way to the back as the bus starts to finally move.

He walks up to my seat and clears his throat, still panting with his now slightly faded red cheeks.

"Do you mind if I sit here?" He asks so quietly, that I was lucky enough to hear him.

I grab my belongings and bring them to my lap then gesture the boy to sit down next to me, he nods and smiles making me  turning my head to the window to watch the grey clouds cover the blue sky.


This chapter is slightly longer than the first one - there will be a few chapters that will be very short and others very long so excuse me for that but its the part of the story.

Love Me // Yoonseok AUWhere stories live. Discover now