十余り一つ // TW

90 7 0

A quick trigger warning before this chapter begins : it contains content about depression/bullying

Hoseok had to leave to school after we had breakfast which means I'm left alone with nothing to do as Tuesdays are my days off.

I crawl back to bed and curl up there getting lost in my thoughts

"Seriously? Yoongi? Do your parents hate you that much to call you that?" They said as the pushed my weak, beaten body to the lockers.

"You can't even get up because you're too fat" Another one shouted, making the other people laugh.

Tears sting my eyes and burn my cheeks as I hear footsteps of the bullies walking to class as I lay there, broken.

"You're Worthless, Yoongi" I tell myself as I close my eyes and just lay there in pain.

I woke up from that nightmare I had feeling a tear escape my eye, my heart was beating so fast that at any moment I felt like it was going to pop out of my chest.

Except it wasnt a nightmare

It was a flashback

What was crazy is that people hate on you because they have their own problems and let it out on you.

And although you know that you still get affected deeply by their words.

I sit on the edge of the bed and comb my hair with my fingers - exposing my forehead and let out a sigh.

It was starting to get late and I didn't take my pills,yet.

I walk to the cabinet and take out my anti depressants, one by one.

Antidepressants aren't the real cure, but it sure eases the pain.

One pill

Another one.

I couldn't help but tremble uncontrollably when the multi colored pills were on my pale hands

The taste of them killed me as I swallow them.


Just when I finished swallowing the last pill and cringe at the bitter aftertaste of the pills. I heard a knock on the door


Hello everyone. I know I put a trigger warning in the beginning incase this topic upsets you - but its part of the whole plot - it also was hard for me to write too. Dont worry the rest of the chapters will not have such dark/upsetting content. If you're going through a rough time don't be afraid to text me if you want someone to talk to❤️ stay healthy and safe & see you in the next update <3

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