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woo this chapter has some abuse in it both verbally and physically and taehyung stans pls dont come @ me i had to put a trigger warning before this chapter wowowo

Hoseoks POV

"You're late" Taehyung sharply says while leaning against the bus pole. I let out a sigh as I rub the back of my neck nervously and look down as he steps infront of me and lifts my chin up to reveal my pink face.

"I-I had an after school activity,T-Taehyung" I manage to stutter, trying not to look into his eyes

"Don't lie to me you slut!" His voice is getting louder, "Tell me where were you?"

I was heavily shaking, my eyes started to tear up, my hands were starting to sweat and I felt like passing out at any minute. I was speaking the truth, but why was I so nervous ?

"N-No where" I choke out my words letting a couple of tears run down my burning cheeks

"We'll see about that you liar" Taehyung says as he grips onto my wrist so tight I can feel my blood circulation getting cut from my wrist and my arm and drags me to his studio mumbling hurtful words as we made it there.

I just wanted someone to be there for me.

Someone who would actually care.


I can hear Taehyung snore next to me as we lay on his crooked twin bed

' "If you say anything about how I treat you I'm going to kill you" '

' "Lying slut" '

' " Gosh, why are you crying? Are you a baby?" '

Taehyungs words have scarred me, and more tears come down my burning cheeks . I'm trying to cover my hand to not wake Taehyung up, but my bruised arms are too weak to cooperate with me.

I really wish someone would help me.

But I can only help myself.


Thats when Hoseok calmed himself down, and took a minute to think to himself.

'I can only help myself' He thought 'Then let me get myself out of this relationship for once and for all'

He had to put an end to this abusive relationship


As much as it pained Hoseok to get up from the bed and make a run for it, he took a deep breath and with his weak hands he tried his hardest to lift himself up.

After what seemed like forever, Hoseok limped to take his clothes.

He tried to not collapse as he put on his uniform - because thats all what he had - and he slightly winced when he had to put his backpack on.

Before he leaves Taehyung's studio, he took another deep breath and tried his hardest not to cry again. 'I'll have no where to go but it'll be better than living like this' He thought to himself and opened the door to his freedom...

Love Me // Yoonseok AUWhere stories live. Discover now