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Two weeks have passed by and I haven't seen Hoseok at the bus stop, disappointing me by the day and eventually I've given up on seeing Hoseok at all.


"Maybe he just took the same bus stop because he was in a hurry or something" I shrug looking down at the cup of hot chocolate, I've completely lost hope in Hoseok.

"So will you have that?" Namjoon asks fixing his eyes on the steamy hot chocoate.

"No" I scoff while pushing it towards him


"You know Yoongs..ah thats hot!" The younger one says while sipping the piping hot drink "Don't lose hope simply, everything happens for a reason."

"I don't think I'll see him again"


Yoongi just shrugs. Whats the point of thinking about seeing someone you only met once by coincidence? Why does he have to always be attached to someone at first sight?

"I know you fall in love with people at first sight" Namjoon continues, almost like he can read Yoongi's mind, making him smirk "But just because it didn't work out with you and Jimin doesn't mean it'll flop with you and Hoseok"

"I'll try to look on the bright side" Mutters yoongi

"Thats the spirit" Says Namjoon in a confident way, as if he was a coach giving his team a prep talk

"Thanks, Joon" Says yoongi while standing up and pulling out his wallet "Bill's on me, see you later"

And left for my evening shift.

Hey everyone! I haven't been revising the chapters because im too busy so correct me if im wrong anywhere <3

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