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Shadow's PoV

I wouldn't say that I'm the most popular kid at school but I'm not unpopular either. I have about 5 friends; Rose Earlswood, Alfie Goodrich, Daniel Fotheringhay, Zoë Diablo and Liam Harrison.

My life at home is okay, I have a sister(Marie) mum (Helen) and dad (Steve). Me and Marie never get along - we are always arguing about something or other.

At school, we have the typical groups of friends: the sluts, the nerds, the geeks, the bad boys and then you have my group. This includes: a geek, a good girl, a musician, an idiot, a golden boy and there's me. I don't know what I am but I get called the quiet girl because I never really talk much.

I have hazel brown hair that grazes my shoulders, nut brown eyes and long legs but short arms. I have a curvy body and fat in all the right places, I suppose you could say I am a thick person.






I smashed my alarm for the third time this week. I groaned and rolled off the nice warm cloud of dreams that is called a bed. Once I layed there for about 5 minutes, I decided that I would have to take a shower because I smelt like a spicy curry (and I'm not talking about the nice kind of smell).

After waking up to the water droplets cascading on my back, I hopped out and chose my outfit for the day.

Picture above

It was a black, leather jacket with black stirrup leggings and a black top that says my favourite mythical creatures are the happy girls on tampon comercials. I like the top because it stops boys from being distracted to much. I matched it with some Nike trainers and some mirror sunglasses.

I walk downstairs to see my mum at the stove, cooking bacon with my dad hugging her from behind.

"Get a room please, my innocent eyes!" I said to them with one hand over my eyes. As they both turned around, shocked, my mum smiled and bent her head back to give my dad a kiss. "Eww! I'm leaving for school now." I took some bacon from the pan and went to the garage to find my blue Ducati 2006 model motorbike. I tried to go vegetarian for a week once but I failed. I swear I am a terrible person because I could eat bacon with a piglet I my lap.

I swung my leg over the beauty and inserted the key in the ignition. My heart raced when I heard the thunder of the engine. It sounded like a lion letting out his early morning roar.

The ride to school wasn't too bad, as the traffic hadn't been held back from roadworks.

"Hey Shade, you good?" My friend Rose ran up to me with a Cheshire cat grin on her face.

"Sup Rosé, why are you so happy?" I asked her, not really expecting an answer. I call her Rosé because she once had an entire bottle of rosé in one go.

"Well, you know how I that crush on Danny. He asked me out yesterday and I said yes!" She squealed and jumped up and down like a puppy who got his first smell of fresh air.

"I told you he would but you didn't listen." I started to jump with her. I know that both of them had a crush on each other as they had told me. We walked through the gates all happy and full of joy until I bumped into someone. It was like walking into a wandering STD.

Oh no. It was Paris Beaver, the school slut and the player's current  girlfriend.

"Watch where you're going, Reed." She snarled at me but put a mean emphasis on Reed.

"Sure, right after you get tested for every STD in the world. You're just like a walking disease that boys seem to love. Oh yeah and maybe you should eat some makeup so you can be pretty on the inside too." I yelled after her as she ran away down the street, "My phone battery lasts longer than your relationships!" After that I got up and walked away to where my friends were.

"Yo, Shade." Everyone chorused.

"Hey guys." I see Rose sat on Danny's lap.

"Shadow, hi. I want to know, WHAT DID YOU SAY TO MY GIRLFRIEND?!" He school player, otherwise known as Jace, spat in my face. I looked at him in the eye, wiped my face, still trying get to hold back my laughter.

"I said that she is a walking STD and that you two are perfect for each other." I gave him a bitter sweet smile. He huffed and went to slap my face.

I caught his hand and twisted it then bent him to the ground. I then proceeded to bring my knee up to his family jewels as he was falling. Once his screams had stopped, I lent down and in his face I said, "Don't do that again, okay. We're all fiends now. Oops sorry, I meant friends." I beckoned to my group and they followed me.

As we went in through the doors of hell,  I found everyone looking at me. Oh poop, they now know that the quiet girl can fight. That's when I saw him. Jax, the official bad boy of the school and he was walking right towards me.

Hi there pickles I want to say thanx 4 reading this chapter.

Also I've made some other books so if u could check them out then that would be great.

Also I've made some other books so if u could check them out then that would be great

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