Taken By Who?

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Hey so there is a very gory part in this chapter so if you want to skip it you can. Just warning you cya.

Shadow's PoV

My head felt heavy on my neck and it rolled backwards as I tried to get comfy. This wooden chair wasn't helping either. Wait, a wooden chair?! Then I remembered that some a-holes had drugged me while I was at school.

I opened my eyes to look around my lovely accommodation. At first all I could see was darkness, then my nut brown orbs adjusted to it and I could see that I was in the middle of a basement-like room with a table to my right. The chair I was sat on, had a long wire cable stretching out across the room.

My eyes traced the wire until my head was like an owls. I tried to fall back to sleep, hoping that this was all a nightmare and there was nothing to be afraid of, but something sent a sharp pain up through my arms every single time I almost fell asleep.

"Well, I see that you're awake. Took you long enough." A gruff, husky voice reverberated around the room. My head still felt heavy but now I was more intent on trying to see who it was that was talking.

"Who are you? And do I know you?" I think that I should stick to not asking questions as his palm came in the direction of my cheek and soon my head flipped to one side. That's going to cause a red mark.

"You need to learn some rules and get some manners but first my name's Venom and I lead the Scarlet Blood gang." He brought his face closer to mine, "Are you ready to learn the rules. Good, let's get started. Rule 1: never talk back. Rule 2: don't go anywhere without telling me or any of my men about it. Rule 3: you must obey every command that I give you. Got it."

He slammed the big steel door behind him as he left. He left me tied there to an electricy shocky thing. Rude much.


So far I've been here for about two days and the only thing I've done is think and, every so often, get fed. Venom comes back everyday to torture me and I keep telling him that I don't know what he wants from me.

Today was way worse, he brought some of his 'crew' down to observe. There were about 20 or so. He went over to the table and collected: two knives, a Brahma and a Zesus' dagger.

He encircled me for a few turns. Since my body was so tired, I was susceptible to anything he did. My thighs and upper arms were covered in deep gashes from the previous days but he didn't have the audacity to clean them up or anything.

"You know what, I don't care if you don't know anything but when we send you back to Jax, you'll be half dead and have no care in the world. In the end you are going to wish that you were dead." He was taunting and annoying, I'll give him that but because I being the strong girl that I am, I decided that it would be best if I didn't say a word.

Though his companions laughed at him, I noticed a group of about three people in the corner just staring at me, not doing anything. Not laughing, not talking, just staring. I swear that I saw pain in one of their eyes as Venom plunged the Zesus ' knife in it my inner thigh and watching me wince at the pain.

In those days of thought, I had consided with my brain that I would never give them what they wanted; my screams that could be breathed in through the noses and mouths of those disgusting men. I should say creatures but that would be insulting animals.

"Not so tough now are you. Huh?" He looked dead on into my eyes and I swear he saw some of my brain cells die and maybe even their funeral.

"I'm much more tougher than you think. You see I haven't made a single sound since I arrived at this dump you call home. So all in all, I'm really the one who's tough." Oh me and my witty brain, thank you for your cooperation.

"You b****, you'll pay for that!" He spat in my face and he dug the Brahma into my arm. Then he twirled it whilst it was still in me, causing a gaping hole where blood seeped out. But still I did not scream, I whimpered a bit but that was all.

Those years of endless fights, I was used to the pain and to some extent, enjoying seeing his face show disappointment because he couldn't make a weak girl like me give any signs of pain.

I felt him rip the knife out of my thigh then the one from my arm. I must have lost about a pint of blood because I felt a bit drunk and high. In my periferal vision, I saw the three in the corner tell everyone to get out and start walking over to me.

As Venom left me with them, I swear they could hear my beating heart pounding against my chest, begging to be set free. I thought I would pass out at its pace. The first one, he had piercing green eyes, leaned in and spoke softly to me.

"You sure are a tough one, I'll give you that." He smiled, and I mean genuinely smiled.

"Yeah well I guess I was taught well. Anyway could you tell the moron that was trying to punish me, it didn't hurt one bit." I knew I would get myself into trouble, but come on it was fun to Venom in an angry mood.

"She's a funny one." The second guy had gorgeous baby blues (like mine) and he turned to his friend to give him a high five.

"Not the time Kyle, maybe later when we get her out." This comment made me snap my head in the first's direction. I immediately regretted this as I heard my neck cracking from being held at a weird angle.

"That neck don't sound to good. You should see a doctor." The third guy, seemingly the cocky one, had deep, mysterious grey orbs that seemed to swallow you into an abyss.

"Shove a peepee in your mouth." I mumbled, bracing against the restraints and pain of the electricity racing around my blood and bones, like an excited child on a snow day.

"Well if you're going to be like that then we might as well get going." Green-eyes got up from his knees and started towards the door. My eyes widened with fear.

"Wait, I'll behave. Okay so maybe I get a bit angry sometimes and lash out but I promise that I will be on my best behaviour." I pleaded with him, begging for him not to leave me in this horrible place.

He laughed. He actually laughed at me tied to an electric chair. A-hole.

"Don't worry, we'll help you find a way out of here. Just don't make a sound. Got it." He began untying my wrists whilst Baby-blues took out my legs and Grey-eyes untied my waist.

"Thank you." Was all I said before collapsing on the floor and letting the dark take me away.

Hi pickles sorry for the gore, I guess I was feeling a bit angry. Cya


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