Fight Night

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Jax's PoV

I decided not to bother Shadow anymore today. Once school was over, I got a text from Joe.

Joe: Hey u have a fight 2night @ 7.

Me: Okay. How much?

Joe: £1,000

Me: What! R u sure.

Joe: Yeah I'm not kidding.

Me: Who'm I up against?

Joe: Reckless Renegade. Undefeated champion, so like u. Cya later?

Me: Sure.

I drove home with not too much thought about the fight. Once I got home, I flopped onto my bed face first. I was tired and thought that I could get about 3 hours sleep before the fight.

"Jax! Wake up its 6 and you need to go to the fight tonight." My mum shouted up the stairs.

I leapt out of bed and grabbed some clothes to change into. I don't need a disguise because I'm already the gangleader's son. So I just throw on whatever is hanging around and clean.

It took about half an hour to get there and in the parking lot of the gym, I spotted a very familiar bike, but I couldn't place where I'd seen it. I went up to the receptionist.

"Hi Pickles are just teenage cucumbers." I don't know the reason for this pass code but it has worked so far.

"Sure. Name." She smiled sweetly and batted her eyelashes at (I think she has a crush on me 'cause this happened last time, I guess I'm just a chick magnet).

"Jax." Her face was an image.

"L-let me take you down." She took me through the familiar alleyway that led to the fighting ring. I looked over to see Joe talking to whom I presume to be Reckless Renegade.

It would be about fifteen minutes before the fight, so I just hung around and cheered on the fighters in the ring. Once or twice I would look over at the person who Joe was talking to, only to see them beating the living crap out of a punching bag.

I didn't notice how long I'd been staring at Renegade but I didn't care. Whoever they are, they have serious strength! I saw Joe go up to them and tell them something, which they responded with a nod then followed.

Joe came over to me and said, "Hey Jax. Fight's in five, better get warmed up."

I gave him a smile, then went over to the ring.

"Alright folks calm down!" The announcer yelled from the middle. "We have a magnificent fight tonight between two undefeated champions. Reckless Rengade against Jax!" The crowd went wild, screaming and chanting our names.

I climbed over the bars of the ring and saw Renegade talking to Joe but I couldn't quite make out what they were saying. This conversation went on for a bit and I was getting bored.

After a few minutes, Renegade walked proudly into the ring and I noticed that they were staring at my body.

"Done checking me out Renegade?" I let out a low laugh, took off my jacket and then put it over the border of the ring. "I didn't know you were gay." At that remark, most of the new people laughed but the others stayed silent. I felt confused but didn't let it show on my face.

I looked at Renegade but only to see them take off their jacket too and reveal very sexy, ripped abs. But it wasn't the stomach that caught my eye, it was the chest. Realisation dawned on my face as I now know that it isn't a gay guy but a sexy girl.

I shook myself out of my trance, leaned in and said, "Oh you're a girl! Sorry. Doesn't mean that I'll go easy on you." I backed away to see that she gave me a steely glare, as if I'd done something wrong.

I saw her talking to Joe again. But I caught his eye and beckoned him over.

"So Reckless Renegade is a girl."

"Yeah, why do you have a problem with that?" He acted like this girl had nothing to worry about.

"No, I don't have a problem with that. Anyway cya afterwards, yeah?" With that Joe walked off.

"Alright folks, let's get this started. Rules: no weapons, no murder and the first person to knock the other out cold is the winner. Seem fair, hahaha no of course not. And FIGHT!" The crowd started to scream my name and then one person at the back yelled out Renegade's, I think it was Sammy who's new here. He doesn't understand that I never lose a fight, ever and I wasn't going to start now.

We circled for about 30 seconds when I decided that my patience has run out. I went for the abdomen but she stepped to the side, caught my shirt and rammed me into a corner pole.

Soon, I was on the floor face down when she jumped on me, straddling my butt. She began to pound my shoulder blades but she didn't see my hand snake it's way around her waist. Funny that she feels like Shadow's waist. I put that in the back of my mind.

I pushed her off of me and got a few punches in at her ribs but when I saw her face, which was seething with rage, I a lost felt guilty. Almost is the key word.

I began to aim at her lower abdomen and got a few hits as well but she was getting angrier by the minute. I knew that if you're angry then you don't think straight and you lose control of your emotions. Renegade centered her power and brought it down on my cheek then her other hand up-cutted my chin, making my teeth chatter.

I winced, knowing that that would leave a bruise for tomorrow. She on the other hand didn't seem to show any remorse at all. This girl was dangerous for sure.

While I was in deep thought, she had tackled me to the ground and now she was straddling my hips, pounding her fist into my face. All I could do was put my hands up as a block.

After about eight punches, I started to welcome the black, warm blanket of darkness and before long I was out like a light.

Hi there pickles. This is one of my favourite books that I've written.

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