Fighting The Bad Boy

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Shadow's PoV

I thought quickly and what I thought, I did. Kick him where the sun don't shine. Then I legged it into the hallways that were eerily quiet, a bit like me. I panicked and ran even faster when I heard footsteps pounding against the floor and closing in on me.

I could see the door to my first lesson when a hand snaked around my waist and pulled me back.

"What the hell do think you're doing?!" I ask/scream. But I instantly regret it when I see my captor. Ugh awesome (note the sarcasm) it was Jax.

"I ask you for your name and then you kick me in my precious, which by the way I'm pretty sure I can't have kids anymore!" He seemed angry but my amazing brain thought that it would be good to test his patience.

"That's good 'cause we don't want any little Jaxs running around this place in 11 years." Well done Shadow, now you've made him angrier than before. But he was already this angry. Shut up you idiot. I looked over his shoulder to see his mates and mine were running up to us. I then looked up at Jax's face and found him giving me a funny look.

"No I will not shut up, but I'm not angry at you." He gave me a questioning look. Then I realised something.

"Oh poop did I talk to my brain out loud. Sorry." I felt utterly embarrassed. I squirmed out of his grasp and went into the classroom just in time because the bell went to signal the start of hell.

Nothing interesting happened for the rest of the day, as Jax or any of his friends came up to me or even batted an eyelid at me.

The last bell rang in my ears as I swung my legs over the bike.



My phone caught my attention. I looked down and saw that I had a text from Joe. Joe was the guy who helped me lead my double life. You see I didn't really have a hard time at home (apart from my sister always finding fault in me) but I still felt angry somehow. One day I went to Joe's Gym and he saw me beating the life out of a punching bag, I proceeded to punch the bag right off the chains. He said that I had talent and then introduced me to the Scarlet Circle. It was where we had our fights.

Joe: Hey u have a fight 2night @ 7.

Me: Sure. How much?

Joe: £1,000

Me: What! R u sure. Ur not just messing with me.

Joe: Yeah I'm sure. So u in or nah.

Me: YES!

I immediately rode home at top speed.

"Hi mum, dad. I'm going out tonight to meet a friend I met at the gym. We're going to work out together." I yelled as I ran through the door and up to my room for a shower. See I told you that I don't have it that bad.

Once I had a shower, I got dressed into my Reckless Renegade outfit (it's my stage name for the fights as I see some people from school there sometimes). My outfit consists of a black pair of leggings with a cyan stripe down the side, a blue and black crop top and a black, leather jacket. I took off my makeup to reveal my tattoos and then put on a black bandana with blue swirls on it.

I tip toed down stairs, just hoping that my parents weren't down there. Then I heard a moan come from their bedroom and suddenly felt the urge to throw up. Glancing down at my watch, I noticed that it was only 6.

Running to my bike, I drove off to the gym. Feeling like a caged bird set free, I walked into the reception and said to the receptionist, "Pickles are just teenage cucumbers." It was a stupid code but so far it was working. The receptionist took a while but then realisation struck her.

"Name." She said.

"Reckless Renegade." I was calm whereas as soon she heard that name, she started to tremble with fear and then composed herself. She took me to the cellar and then down the familiar alleyway.

"Here you go ma'am." She was still trembling like an autumn leaf. You see I had gathered quite the reputation as undefeated champion but what most people don't know (apart from the regulars) is that I'm a girl.

As I walked through the steel doors, I was greeted by a hug from Joe and the crowd went wild at the sight of me. It would be about another half an hour until it was my fight so I went to the punching bag over in the corner of my changing room.

"Yo Renegade. The fight's in five, better get warmed up." With that, I followed him out.

"Alright folks calm down!" The announcer was stood in the middle of the ring. "We have a magnificent fight tonight between two undefeated champions. Reckless Renegade against Jax!" The crowd started screaming with excitement.

"Joe did he just say Jax?" My palms became sweaty.

"Oh come on don't tell me that Renegade is scared about going up against Jax."

"No I'm not scared. It's just that he goes to my school and he was talking to me today. I can't fight, my cover'll be blown." I was frantic and desperate but at the same time I didn't want to lose my title. "Never mind. I'll go."

With that, I walked proudly into the ring and came face to face with the rippling muscles of Jax that were covered by a grey, skintight shirt. I have to say he had a great body but his noting smirk that was plastered over his face was spoiling it.

"Done checking me out Renegade?" He let out a low laugh, took off his jacket and then put it over the border of the ring. "I didn't know you were gay." Everyone new laughed but the rest stayed silent, already knowing the torture that Jax would go through for calling me a guy.

I shrugged off my jacket to reveal my crop top.

"Oh you're a girl! Sorry." He leaned in closer to me, "Doesn't meant that I'll go easy on you." I gave him a steely glare and then returned to my corner to talk to Joe.

"Joe help. He's going to kill me."

"No he won't, it's against the rules here." Joe seemed comforting but then Jax called him over.

"Alright folks, let's get this started. Rules: no weapons, no murder and the first person to knock the other out cold is the winner. Seem fair, hahaha no of course not. And FIGHT!" The crowd started to scream Jax's name then someone from the back yelled out mine.

We circled for about 30 seconds when he made the first move, going for my abdomen. I stepped to the side but not before I caught his shirt and dragged him in a circle then slammed him into the corner pole.

Hi pickles this is my fifth chapter and I hope you enjoyed it. I love putting savage quotes on the last part.

 I love putting savage quotes on the last part

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