M e m o r i e s

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of the memories;

climbing to the top of the tallest trees,

dancing among the white stars,

singing with the many colors of the breeze.

once upon a time,

when she was so much younger.

when her brown eyes danced.

and her gap-toothed smile glimmered.

not a princess,

she didn't want to wear dresses or crowns.

she wanted to adventure,

she wanted to quest through this world all around.

she would never have possibly imagined,

the pain in the years to come.

the rearing agony and crystal tears,

when to the shadows, she finally succumbed.

of the memories;

chasing her brothers down the streets,

dressing like an indian,

selling lemonade for money to buy sweets.

not a doctor, or a teacher, or a rock star,

she just wanted to write.

to take her wild imagination from her brain,

and make the magic come to life.

she would never have believed,

how many pieces her heart would become.

how the breeze would turn grey,

how her forced smiles would turn so numb.

sometimes the memories keep her sane,

the happiness of those days.

living in the memories before it all changed,

before she felt this neverending pain.

and perhaps one fateful day,

she will return back to the time of her past.

maybe the day when it all ends,

the fateful day she finally breathes her last.

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