○ v i s i o n a n d m i s s i o n

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○ Vision and Mission




We envision ourselves as a school of excellence, a stepping stone to success, and a center for good education enough to feed the minds of students the needed knowledge and wisdome for their chosen paths. Stars Academy is a center for the talented, the gifted, and the lucky people who have been goven exceptional talents that have been bestowed upon them.


Stars Academy's main goal is to polish the students skills and talents, to be a role model to others, and to be a source of hope to the old and young alike.

This, we promise. We will do everything to make you successful inwhatever you choose, may it be in the field of show bussiness, fine arts, or even accounting. We will do our best to bring you to success, and be the pride and joy of the school, and the people.

So, what are you waiting for? Enroll now!

Ways on enrollment is found at the next page of this leaflet, along with other informations concerning this school.

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