Chapter 4- The Manor Started It All

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"You don't trust me," he said softly.

"W-What?" Hermione asked.

"That was a test. I told you to say stop. To see if you trusted me enough to believe I'd stop. You don't though. You waited. When I advanced you got scared. You waited until your fear was at its breaking point before attempting to stop me. It just proves you don't trust me," he explained.

"Thats- that's not true," Hermione said.

"It is, Granger. I've done this before. The Dark Lord would assign me to see how much the younger girls trusted him because he knew how I worked. I know you don't trust me."

"I'm sorry."

"For what? You have nothing to be sorry for." Draco asked generally confused.

"I don't trust you. That's kinda rude," Hermione said.

"No its not. You have a lot a different reasons not to trust me. You shouldn't trust me. But I'll tell you this. If there wasn't a cell in you that didn't trust me, you wouldn't have stopped me. You would've let me take it all the way because of your fear," Draco said.

Hermione looked up at him as she digested his words.

"I'll be back Granger," he said kissing her lips one more time before leaving the room.

"I'll be waiting, Malfoy," she whispered.

"Ah, Malfoy!" Dumbledore said as Draco walked in, "Glad you came. We have just informed Seamus and Dean of what's been happening. But may I ask why you are so late?"

"Trust test," Draco answered as he sat, "I checked to see if she trusted me."

"The way the Dark Lord had you with those girls?" Snape asked.

"Yes. It is the most effective way, we both know it," Draco said and Snape gave a curt nod.

"May you enlighten us?" McGonagall asked.

"I will," Draco said, "But I'm afraid you will have to bind Weasleys and Potter."

Dumbledore raised an eyebrow, but did so nonetheless, "Go on." He instructed.

"The Dark Lord would always assign me to test the loyalty of his young female followers branded or not. I'd simply instruct them to tell me when to stop when they got uncomfortable, before advancing on them. Every single girl did get uncomfortable at some point and if they told me to quit it or not depeneded on how much they trusted us." Draco said warning some disgusted looks.

"It is the most effective way, especially since I'd be able to feel when the became uncomfortable. As I said, I have tested it on, Granger. She doesn't trust me. Not much at least. When her fear became quite strong she finally asked me to back away. Because she did manage to ask, there's a very small part of her that trusts me to listen to her. Very small. It'll take some time, but I will be able to gain her trust."

"That's disgusting," Ron grimaced, his ears turning red and fists clenched, "You actually would've done it with her?"

"No, I wouldn't. You see, I got as far as her neck before her body began to tense," Draco explained, "I knew then she wasn't trusting me and wanted me to stop, but I was unable to. I wouldn't have done it at all. I have my limits, and I know the boundaries. She didn't speak still and I needed to know if there was any trust between us. So I jumped ahead and pulled the straps of her shirt to below her shoulders. I figured that would be her breaking point if she was going to speak, and if she didn't I wasn't taking it any further. I promise. But she did tell me to back off which proves she isn't entirely scared of me. A small part of her, as I mentioned before, believed that I wouldn't harm her if she asked."

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