Chapter 14: The Golden Son

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I awoke in the PMC and stretched

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I awoke in the PMC and stretched. Hau and Robert were still asleep, so I packed my stuff quietly. I went down to the lobby and sat on a couch to wait for my friends to wake up.

Not long later, Alex and Lillie joined me, then Hau and Robert showed up.

"So, where to now?" Alex asked with a yawn.

Hau shrugged. "There are three trial sites here on Akala, but I don't know what one we should do first."

"I have an idea," I said, grabbing my backpack. "Let's ask Rotom."

I pulled him from my pack and shook him awake.

"Zzzt," He buzzed awake. "Yaaawn. Good morning y'all."

I smirked. "Morning Rotom. We're on Akala now and we need to know what trial site we should go to first."

"We're on Akala!" He buzzed loudly. "Why didn't you tell me!?"

"Been a little busy with a Haunting," I said. "Anyway, where should we go?"

His eyes closed. "Zzzt. Searching. Zzzt."

His eyes opened. "93% recommend the Water Trial."

"Where's that?" Lillie asked.

A map popped up on Rotom's screen, highlighting a path from here, to Route 4, to Paniola Town, to Paniola Ranch, to Route 5, then finally stopping at Brooklet Hill.

"Neat," Robert said. "Should take us what? A day?"

"Yes," Rotom buzzed. "Recommended stopping point should be Paniola Ranch."

I high-fived his robotic arm thing. "Good job Rotom."

He grinned. "It's what I'm here for."

I looked at my friends. "Ready to go?"

"Yes," Alex snorted. "But you're not."

I frowned. "I am ready."

Hau laughed. "Dude, you've been wearing the same exact clothing that I met you in."

I shrugged. "They've been washed. They're fine."

Robert poked at a hole in my trench coat. "Hole."

Alex grabbed my wrist. "Rotom, where's the nearest clothing store?"

"Don't tell her Rotom," I pleaded.

His digital face smirked. "Just down the road."

Alex dragged me out of the PMC while Rotom and my friends were laughing as we left.


Once inside the clothes shop, Alex started looking for clothes for me to wear. When she wasn't looking, I went up to the girl at the cash register.

"Hey," I said. "Do you sell any trench coats around here?"

She smirked. "Don't want your girlfriend picking out all your clothes?"

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