Chapstick 1

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Chapstick 1

Journal Entry 666

Date: March 69, 6969

I am a simple girl. I have simple standards. Or do I????

I met this girl the other day. Her name was Brandon. She died. How??????

Better Brandon.

His reign continues at the school. He has taken 1/2 of the schools' girls''' by heart. an d soul~

How??????? The power of his manly sweat and moisture.

But he wouldn't take me.

I am a strong Flowery Swordwomens Basketballer.

Not sponsored.

Brandon and I are good buddies bois. We meet on the flowery fields which were full of flowers.

I wish I wasn't allergic to flowers.

It turns out, Brandon is as well.

So we gave me Clearton.

The allergy repellent.

Yum. tsk tsk tsk.

This looks like poetry, I guess it is.

I have a plan.

The way to rid of Better Brandon, is to better Brandon your brandon.


Better Brandon's rain/reign of sweat and moisture.Where stories live. Discover now