Chapstick 4

44 3 4

Better Brandon is allergic to flowers. That's a nice weakness.

I chuck one out the window.

Then I remember how going to the bathroom makes it feel like you don't have to go to the bathroom anymore which is what I need to do. Or does it???????????

I go to the bathroom.

Then I peek out the window to watch the Betters' fight. No one is winning. The flower ended up landing like ten feet away from Brandon. It didn't affect him. Or did it????????????

Better Carsen punches Better Brandon. He falls and punches him back. This is all they do. It's getting boring.

I decide to absorb some knowledge. I educated my standards by reading books about stuff.

I feel really smart

They're still fighting.

Oh well.

I suddenly remembered how I ate a pie yesterday. It was edible. Then I had a drink.

I also played the Oregon Trail. I made it alive and stuff. I have 5 members.





And Steven.

Somehow Steven drowned in three feet of water. In fact everyone except for Frick drown. Protip- Learn how to swim before heading on the Oregon Trail.

Better Brandon's rain/reign of sweat and moisture.Where stories live. Discover now