napSTICK 9

13 2 1

Chapstick 9

Journal Entry 673

Date: March 33, 6969

We saw it with our very own ayes. A book with a covered in gold (so you cant burn it, probably ms nidas doing) showing a poorly drawn magnitude chart. It was hard to decipher, but it seems there are ways to beat the betters.

Por say, better waze.

*has an eggistential crisis*

It turns out me and Brandun are what some call a W.I.S.P.S . Ya'know, Why Introverts Shouldn't Play Sportz. We only have a magnitude of 0.001. so, we might have to find someone and or something, or multiple somethings and or someones to battle the betters if the betters battle us.


That could be a batastrophe.

We absorbed the knowledge.

A parent lee, we need to find these three people called the Chizzles. They also have a magnitude of 0.001 too. Leia has high standards that we must meet, and Charlie has slightly above average standards. The third name is smudged out with Strawberry jelly or jam.

What if Jelly is your Jam? Oxymorons? DOuble Negatives? Paradoxes? The pOsEbiLlites are EnDlEsS.

Anyways, all three of them together creates the triforce with a magnitude and raditude of 666.

A trifecta becuz 30 toes are better than ten is what Brandoon always says.

Another way to better the betters is to find this man called mr Morreese. His dad jokes have a magnitude of 10000. Apparently we can't escape them, which is gooda because better Brandon dodges like mr dodge.

Third way is the ancient scroll of Solomons wisdom. The highest magnitude on da chart. Magnitude of 10001. Highest magnetude best attitude. I think its written in Chinese or somethin

There are more Waze to beat the betters than I could rathom fathom. oOf.

I uses the power I have called clairvoyance. When I "Tap into, THE POWER" it lets me see anywhere in the world. But it only works 3141.59265 millipede seconds (equal to 1/69 of a dog year), once a day.

Just like an apple a day keeps the doctor away, but what if your the doctor?

The power was a gift from this cult I used to be in at Thailand. It was about being lazy. I became president somehow after buying them a sooubway sand witch.


tsk. tsk. tsk. Yum

but after I uses the clairvoyance, I get a cravin for shavin, but we dont speak of that

I'm basically a super spy.

I shake and sip my Appel juice


Now Brandon has is been peeved since he has like no diolouge for the past three chapters.

Long chapter this is.


who the name of Steven wrote this? oh


maybe next time

woosh wish woosh left right left. I wonder over yonder, I see Better Brandon giving aesthetics to a girlfriend? Wait... she looks exactly like me! Not fake news.

could it bee?

The return??

Oh.. oh no....

Better Brandon's rain/reign of sweat and moisture.Where stories live. Discover now