Chapstick 2

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Chapstick 2

Journal Entry 667

Date: 4-20-6969

Something is different today. 

It's Tuesday instead of Monday. 

I decided to engage in my plan. Brandon and I spoke words.

"Hey Katie. Looking exactly the same." Brandon exists.

"Oh thank," I reply back.

"I'm bored, wanna engage the plan?" He said with really bored.

"Suree." I use my mouth to form words. 

We engaged the plan. 

Today in science we learned that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Which means if I engage the plan, the plan will engage back. Or will it????????

It's not good.

But I have a plan.

Better Brandon may have the power of sweat and moisture with him, but if someone can evaporate that sweat, we may gain a strong power. Called love. Hatree.

Brandon and I decided to go to Walmart to buy Hairdryers. 


Dooh. It's for the plan ;)

I did a winky face.

Who am I anymore.

I have some poetry today.



Do trees poe me, or do they poe back

It's better not to think about such deep topics.

Wait--- WHSahfoadufof adshafods someone new is moving down the block.

Oh no...

Could it be...?

The return...

Better Brandon's rain/reign of sweat and moisture.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat