Chapstick 3

38 3 0

Journal entry: 668


Random thought:

One day I'm going to run out of chapsticks to write these journal entries. They're lip smackers. They smeel good.

But that's beside the point.

A new kid just moved down town.

His name? 

Better Carsen. Or is it????????? Well yeah it is. But that's beside the point.

Will the true rivals become? Will the fight to death occur?

Find out in real life. 

Anyway Brandon and I came back from Walmart yesterday. We kinda got distracted by the towel section.

They could be effective. Think about it.

My standards might be getting lower. 

I'm looking out of my window. I forgot the sun is hot so when I look at it, it's hot.

I see Better Carsen walking down the street. The other end??????????? Better Brandon. They meet eye to ay. 

My journal thinks Carsen isn't a real word. A little squiggle forms under. And I'm pretty sure I'm writing this on very dead trees so I don't get.

Once the Betters meet, chaos is a happening.









One punches. The other judges. Who is who? I dunno.

I have another idea. Once we rid of the moisture and sweat, we shall use their allergies to their weakness. 

I open my window. I chuck out a flower.


"Hmm. Who that?" Better Brandon uses his mouth to form noises.

Better Carsen no replies. 

I just remembered. I have to breathe air while walking down stairs while using my brain while using my nerves while functioning my organs to use the bathroom while thinking about using the bathroom.


Have a day. 

Better Brandon's rain/reign of sweat and moisture.Where stories live. Discover now