Radstic 10

11 2 0

Chapstick 10

Journal Entry 673

Date: March 34, 6969

On a quest 

to be the best?

thats what Brandon and I think

We walk down the hallway to meet the clones. Not fake news

tsk tsk tsk.

I look at this girl. She looks at me. Things happen

Its almost as if someone put a mirror in front of me, but better, y'know

She is like "Ewwww, who is this.."

Im like, are u for reelz gurl

Stares with no blinks

She is like "I'm Sofia, but U can call me Uniqua."

She wheres a lot of pink

She is the lady in pink

I leave confuzzled.

I hope she yaint no W.E.S.P.S 

Y'know, Why Extroverts Should Play Sports

perhaps, maybe..


Why Ambiverts Should(n't) Play Sportz

She is like "Ewwww, see ya later"

I think...

She has a horrible attitude but might have a high magnitude

This is getting... interesting... I think...

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