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Bella POV

"I gotta go, Jake," I call.

Jake jogs over and grabs my keys. " I'll drive." He climbs into my car.


"I'll see you tomorrow, ok?" Jake asks when he pulls up.

"Yep," I agree, "See you then." I climb out of the car and walk up to the house. Jake climbs out of the car and phases before he lopes away. I pull the key out from under the mat and unlock the door. I step in and shut the door behind me. I walk into the kitchen and turn the lights on. To my surprise, sitting at the island, is a familiar red-haired vampire.

"Victoria! Hi! I haven't seen you in ages!" I say with a grin. A content, happy feeling washes over me. I run over and hug her. After the Cullens left, Victoria came back and apologized profusely. We've been best friends ever since. She stands up and hugs me back.

"Hey Bella! I've missed you so much! How have you been?" Victoria replies with a grin.

"I've missed you too. I'm fine. How have you been?" I ask, sitting down next to her.

"Fine. Umm...I was wondering: you know how you said you wanted to be...changed? Do you still want that?" Victoria asks.

I blink in surprise. "Yeah. I think about it every day."

"I could change you, if you want. We'd have to leave...permanently. But I could if you wanted," she replies.

"I would love that. It would have to be after graduation, which is," I pause to think, "in two days, actually."

"We'll fly to Alaska and stay there for a while. After that we could be a nomadic coven," Victoria replies. I nod and grin. Living with her made me feel elated and happy.

"I have to make dinner for Charlie and let him know that you're staying with us for the night," I explain as I start grabbing ingredients to make pasta. Victoria walks over to me and helps with the prep work. I smile to myself.

We finish making dinner and, after I eat, I call Charlie:


Yeah, Bella?

One of my friends asked me if she could stay with us till graduation so I decided to ask you.

Who is your friend?

Victoria. You remember how she was my friend even when THEY left.

Oh her. Of course, she can stay.

Thanks Dad.

End call.

"Your dad likes me that much?" Victoria gasps. I nod and blush. She smiles.

"I'll show you my room. I'm guessing you're going to be hunting while Charlie and I are asleep," I say, leading her up to my room. We walk in and I sit on the bed.

"I'm just wondering: have you found your mate yet?" I ask tentatively.

"No," Victoria replies, "I have not. But I hope to soon." I nod. This piece of information makes me happy and relieves me for some strange reason.

I hear the door open and Charlie calls, "Bella! I'm home!" I race down the stairs with Victoria at my heels. I greet him with a hug.

"Hey, Dad. This is Victoria, as you remember," I say, gesturing to Victoria.

"Nice to see you, Victoria. Glad you were a good friend to Bella. She's needed one," Charlie says in a gruff voice, as he shakes Victoria's hand. He flinches a bit at the temperature of her skin but doesn't make too much of a fuss.

"We made you dinner and it's in the kitchen. Victoria's kinda tired from travelling so we're going to hit the hay," I mumble as I push Victoria up the stairs. We reach my bedroom and I stretch out on my bed. She sits in the chair and looks at me with a "down-to-business" look.

"First of all: will you be drinking human or animal blood? Second: I wonder what your ability will be," Victoria whispers.

"Human blood. And, I've always been pretty good at knowing what others are thinking so...I'm guessing maybe a telepathic ability?" I whisper. She nods.

"We'll be the most powerful coven. With your mind-reading and my power mimicry: we'll be unstoppable," she reasons. I grin. I grab pajamas out of my drawers and walk towards the door but Victoria stops me.

"I'm your friend. You can change in front of me. If you want, of course," she murmurs timidly. I nod and proceed to change into my pjs. I slither into bed and immediately fall asleep.

Victoria POV

I watch my little Bella sleep. My perfect angel. She's my mate and I love her. I won't tell her till she finds our herself.

"Victoria..." Bella murmurs. At first, I think she's woken up but then she rolls over and murmurs my name again and smiles. Awwww! She's so cute. When I change her, we'll have forever together. I just want to make her MINE. I want to worship her like the goddess she is. Hearing her heart beat reminds me that I need to hunt. I press a feather-light kiss to her forehead and zip off find some unsuspecting human.

I sprint into Seattle and find an unsuspecting teenage girl and drain her. My almost black eyes change to a vibrant blood red. I feel a pang of pain and sadness because I've left my Bella.

I sprint back to her and sit next to her. A sense of relief and contentment washes over me. She smiles when I sit down. I pull out my phone to check on the house I bought:

It's perfect. I'm sure Bella will love it. I know she likes rustic chic. The furniture is being shipped in today. Also rustic chic.

I turn my phone off and put it into my pocket. I look at the clock and see that it's 7:30. Time for Bella to get up.

"Bella. Time to get up darling," I gently shake her shoulder and she wakes up with a grin. 

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