Is this...? can't be. Could it?

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Bella POV

"I was worried you were going to leave me. Or that it was all just a dream," I smile. So happy that she's here. I clamber out of bed and stumble over to my closet. Alice may have been an awful friend, but I've fixed up my fashion sense because of her. I pull out a black long-sleeve t-shirt, a white vest and a necklace and bracelet. I lay them on the bed and grab jeans from my dresser. I change quickly and run to the bathroom. I apply a light layer of blush, some mascara, and some light eyeshadow. I put away my makeup and go back into my room to put on my shoes. Victoria sits dressed and freshened up. I smile at her as I pull on my favorite black knee-high boots.

"What will you be doing while I'm at school?" I ask with a smile.

"This and that. Mostly fixing fake acceptance letters to Anchorage," she fiddles with her hair and smirks.

"That makes sense. I'm going to need a reason to come with you to Alaska that Charlie won't question." I look at my phone and get up to leave. "See you at 4."

I jog down the stairs and out the door after grabbing an apple from the fruit bowl. I climb into my car and drive to school. I pull into my usual spot and climb out. I walk up the steps of Forks High School and into the building. I'm immediately greeted by the sights and sounds of a Thursday morning. There are posters up announcing the graduation ceremony and school graduation rings being on sale. I maneuver my way through the crowd and get to my locker. I open my locker and pull out my books for Biology and AP History. I shut it and walk over to Biology. I open the door to Biology and quickly sit in my seat. The rest of the morning is pretty uneventful. I walk out of Calculus and go back to my locker to dump my books. I put them back and close the door.

I walk into the cafeteria and grab myself a salad. I sit at an empty table and am about to take a bite when a very pale girl and a very pale guy walk over and sit next to me.

"Hi! I'm Teresa! You must be Bella! We were wondering if we could join your future coven?" The girl, I mean, Teresa murmurs with a smile.

I laugh. "Hi, Teresa. 1) You two are obviously vampires. 2) Of course, you can join my coven. 3) You will make a powerful addition considering you can see the future. And 4) What is your mate's name and what are his powers, if any? Just curious about the last one."

"My name is Damon and my powers are control over the elements." he grins.

"Nice to meet you both. As Teresa knows, we are moving to Alaska Saturday so Victoria, my best friend, can change me." The two of them nod. "Meet us at Forks Airport the day after tomorrow and forever begins." I stand, nod to them and get rid of my trash. I walk out of the cafeteria and to my locker. I grab my books for AP English and Physics and head to class. The rest of my afternoon classes aren't interesting. I walk into the parking lot at 4 and see Teresa and Damon getting into their car. I run over to them.

"Guys, do you want to come over? And meet Victoria?" I ask tentatively.

Teresa squeals. "Of course, we do!

I nod, "Follow my car." I run back over to my car and climb in. I zip off towards my house with Damon and Teresa in tow. I pull into my driveway and am greeted by Victoria giving me a confused look through the window. I climb out of my car and Teresa and Damon follow me. We go into the house and I walk over to Victoria.

I gesture to Damon and Teresa, "Victoria, meet Teresa and Damon. They are going to join us."

Victoria smiles, "Nice to meet you both. Glad to know that two powerful vampires will be joining your coven, Bella."

"Oh, this is Bella's coven? Naturally, I assumed that it was yours Victoria. Sorry, Bella," Damon confesses sheepishly.

I laugh. "It's fine. I'll be much more leader-like in two days' time." I lead everyone into the living room and sit them down.

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