Some things are changing...

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A/N: don't worry nothing drastic. me being a forgetful pita i forgot to mention that Melody's mate has been changed! the reason is because when i had originally decided that edward and melody were mates i had zero clue of where i was going with yeah...on with the story!

I stalk into the throne room and, without a word, throw Edward's arm to the floor. It writhes and Caius laughs. Aro smiles and looks to me.

"Good start. Now...the rest of him." He looks to the doors just as Edward sprints in through them.

I smile and wag his arm at him in silent taunt. He growls and launches himself at me. I jump to the side and he lands on his face on the floor. I snicker and he jumps up and stands only a foot away from me. I smirk and back up, only to launch myself onto his shoulders. I sit there for a second, contemplating my next move before quickly snapping his arm off at the elbow and darting nimbly away. He yelps and I hold it up, as if in triumph, appearing distracted.

He tries to use this moment against me but ends up falling prey to my deception. He runs at me and I sidestep out of the way, leaving him to barrel into the column with an audible crack of the marble.

"I always knew you were hard-headed." I smirk as even Marcus laughs. I mock curtsy and turn my attention back to Eddie. He squeals and I laugh heartily. 

"Now you're a pig in more ways than one." This produces even more laughter as I stalk towards him. He scrambles into the corner and cowers. 

"Wait! What about m-my mate?" He asks, and I look to Marcus in silent question.

Author's Note: HEY! that rhymes!

He closes his eyes for a moment before replying, "I see no bond. Only one that rings out false." I break through his rather flimsy mental shield (for my purposes, he has one but takes it down when Aro's reading his thoughts) and find his current train of thought.

She's nothing, but I have to use her to survive this killing machine. Hopefully, it'll buy me time to get back at Bella.

I pull myself out of his thoughts and shoot a deadly glare at him. "You're right." I stalk forwards and wrap my hand around his neck.

"How flipping dare you come after me, as if that wasn't bad enough, and then my cousin? You lying, cheating, no-good, SOB!" I growl before tearing his head clean off his body. I pull my lighter out of my pocket and light him on fire. I watch with a gleeful grin as the one who has haunted my dreams for months finally dies. I turn towards the kings and curtsy.

"How does it feel, my dear? To finally be free of his clutches." Aro looks to me with a smile.

I grin. "Like I'm on top of the world." I curtsy again and walk out with my head held high. Just before I reach my room, however, I remember one thing and it sobers me right up.

What will I tell Melody?

Short chapter cuz it's been a while and I was wondering if I should continue or not. Lemme know in the comments! Bye guys!

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Dec 17, 2018 ⏰

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