The Ball

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I walk at a human pace to my chambers and immediately am greeted by Jane wandering and muttering to herself in my closet.

"What will you wear? Nothing too bright as it will contrast too much with your skin tone. Most likely this one." Jane holds up a beautiful sleeveless floor-length blood red ball gown with black lace detailing.

"That will go perfectly with my cloak and crest." I run into the bathroom to grab my brush and some bobby pins and hair ties. I set them down on the vanity and start working on my hair. Jane starts on hers after she runs to her room to get her gown. I decide to do a simple yet elegant braided crown going into a bun. I do a simple smoky eye and put on shiny blood red lipstick to match the gown. Finally, I carefully put on the gown and help Jane lace hers up. She does the same for me and I look in the mirror. 

Standing there is not the helpless human danger magnet I once was but the beautiful, confident, young vampire I am now. Jane stands next to me and looks gorgeous in a black floor-length gown with a red corset and lacing. We both pull on black strappy heels and our cloaks and crests. I carefully pull my hood on and we walk towards the throne room where the ball is being held. I meet Victoria, whose wearing a beautiful midnight blue mermaid style sleeveless gown, by the doors to the throne room. We link arms right before we hear these words announced by Master Aro himself.

"And now, the guests of honor, the Viper, also known as Isabella Volturi, personal guard to the  three Kings; and Leading General of the Upper Guard: Victoria Volturi." We walk in after that and I lower my hood, as does Victoria. I stand next to Caius, but a step below him, and Victoria stands a step below me. The crowd is stunned for a few seconds before clapping and whistling loudly. I feel floods of others' thoughts about to hit me so I turn my power down (only hear what I'd like to hear). Based on Vicky's expression, she does the same. Master Aro gestures for us to go socialize and immediately after we step down onto the floor, the Cullens walk over to us.

"Hello Carlisle. Esme. So...glad you could make it." I barely maintain control but my mate puts her hand on my back which relaxes me slightly.

They bow and I nod my head. "We're so sorry, Viper. We were wrong and-" I don't let them finish.

"And now, after a year, are trying to get on my good side because I hold power. Save it. I waited but you never came back. And despite what Edward said, I NEVER cheated. I found my true mate, Victoria, and found true happiness. Here." I narrow my eyes at them and Rosalie and Emmett walk over.

"So you found the first vampire to change you after we left. You got what you wanted. Leave us alone." Rosalie smirks at me and I take a deep breath and release it. It's only Vicky's hand on my back that keeps me from tearing her limb from limb.

"Hello to you too. I would address me as Viper if I were you. We wouldn't want anyone to get hurt, right?" I ask with evident venom in my voice.

She shrinks into Emmett and Emmett bows to me. I nod my head and he straightens. Rosalie curtsies and I nod. She straightens and Alice, Jasper, Edward, and a blonde female vampire walk over. I sigh and Victoria kisses me on the cheek. It calms me and I straighten my cloak.

"Hello, Viper. Hello, Leading General. Congratulations." Alice smiles slightly and I nod slightly.

"Hello Alice and Jasper. Edward. And this is?" I ask, wondering who this other vampire is. 

"It's me, Izzy." The vampire says. I recognize that voice. It' can't be...

"Melody? My cousin?" I ask. She nods and I hug her gently. She hugs me back and nearly squishes me with her newborn strength.

(Author's note: instead of being her sister, I am making Melody her cousin to help make the story flow better.)

"You'," I murmur into her ear and she bashfully lets go.

"Sorry. I was just turned a few weeks ago." She fiddles with her hair and I chuckle.

"It's quite alright. Though, I'm going to have to ask that you refer to me as Viper in public. Got to keep up appearances." I wink at her and she laughs and nods.

Getting slightly protective, Vicky wraps her arm around my waist and pulls me to her. Edward's staring at you. I nod and Melody looks at me confusedly.

"I can read thoughts and Vicky was telling me something. By the way, this is Victoria, also known as the Leading General of the Upper Guard. My mate." I gesture towards her and Melody nods and shakes her hand. At this, Edward looks up and at me.

"I didn't know you were lesbian." His eyes widen slightly and he grimaces at the word.

"I'm bisexual, actually. I did date you after all." I narrow my eyes at him and he pulls Melody towards him.

"Edward, you didn't tell me you two dated." Melody looks up at him and he bites his lip.

"For a short time while Isabella was human." He looks at me.

"Sure if by a short time you mean a year." I look at Melody for a second before glaring at Edward. "And you'll address me as Viper or not at all." With that, I walk away with Vicky.

The only welcoming-looking people are the Kings who are chatting with someone else and the Denali coven. We reach them and they all bow. I nod and they straighten.

"We sort of overheard your disagreement with the Cullens." Carmen looks down in slight embarrassment.

"Oh. Sorry about that. I know how you two covens are close." I glance at Eleazar.

"Actually, not anymore. We have discontinued our association with them as they hunted on our territory and killed someone near our home," Eleazar explains with a frown. My eyes widen and I nod slowly.

"I personally am not on good terms with them because of something they did while I was still human. I'm glad you were able to disassociate yourselves without too much of a fight," I reply calmly.

We talk for a while before heading over to the Kings at the end of the night.

"How did the conversing with the Cullens go?" Master Aro asks quietly.

"As well as it could have gone," I reply slightly frustrated.

"Though they have a new member. By the name of Melody Swan. Isabella's cousin." Victoria voices my thoughts.

"As the ball is over, you may head to your quarters. Goodnight," Master Aro says and we take our leave.

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