compared || k.nj 🌸

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"Ahhhh Im so triedddd" Namjoon groaned as he put himself  down in the the couch as soon as both of you got home.

"Joonie, Im really really sorry about a while ago" you hung your head low. "I-i was just really nervous and—"

"Its fine y/n. We can't do anything about it now" he cut you

"Really? I promise to do good on the next one"  you said

He stood up and stretched "Yeah sure, Im going to sleep now."

As he walked in the bedroom, you let out a sigh.

The next day, you decided to go visit the boys in their dorm and bring them food because they love it when you cook for them. And also because you want to apologize to namjoon once again.

You prepared everything, making sure to not forget anything and went to their dorms.

"Boys??" You called for them as you close the door behind you.

Their dorms were usually neat and noisy but you were surprised when you saw clothes everywhere. On the couch, chairs and even the tv. It was also quiet that it made your ears hurt.

"I dont know..."

Your ears shot up once you heard someone speak in one of the rooms.

You placed the food down their dining table and went to see if they were in that room.

"What do you mean you dont know?? What happened?" It was hobi's voice. You decided to slightly open the door to peak.

There in the middle of the room stands j-hope and Namjoon sitting in one of the bunk beds, his palms on his face.

"Its just that--- Y/m messed up" Joon replied to his hyung.

"What do you mean she messed up??" Jhope asked.

"Hyung, She was stuttering and making mistakes as she speaks. It was a mess. Ugh. I shouldn't have just - I should've just picked Aika to be my partner"

A soft gasp left your mouth as you regained you balance. He did not just say that

"Joon what do you mean by Aika? Your ex? Are you comparing your ex to Y/n right now??"

"But hyung its true. Aika was more confident. She has poise. She was always prepared She was--"

"That is not enough to compare y/n to aika namjoon-ah! Y/n is not Aika---"

You could'nt bear to hear them anymore. You hurriedly went out but stopped midway as the three maknae's enter the door.

"Oh noona! What are you doing here??" Jungkook the youngest asked in suprised.

"Uhmm I left food. Its on the table" you said in a hurry "I have an appointment to run through so I'll get going yeah?"

And without letting them say anything more, you were out. The tears that you were enduring finally came out.

You were a crying mess.

That same night. Namjoon acted as if he did not say those horrible word back at their dorms. He was all calm and fine. While you, ignored him.

"Goodnight Y/N" he whispered but you try your hardest to not talk back.


The next day, you decided to visit the maknaes since today is their Day off. You also decided to forgive namjoon about the things he said because you thought that he only said that because he was stressed. And besides, it was your fault for stuttering in the interview.

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