log_20. its a holiday idk why · (00:00:57) 11/05/18

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• recording

[Looks like he's sitting on a bench.]


[He looks pretty happy.]

"I've got no school. That's great because I don't need to deal with people and, uh... Stuff that hurts me. And others."

[He chuckles awkwardly.]

"Oh but anyway I'm at the park! Taking in some fresh air. I slept in today and I just... Skipped lunch — okay never mind aNYwAy."

"I'm feeling good today, I guess. Free. I could do anything."

"I'm feeling really productive today, too. Oh look, a crunchy leaf! I want to step on it!"

"I could jump off a building right now, seriously. I don't think it'll hurt. Slam my head on a table till it bleeds. I said I wanted to do that in my last log, right?"

[He sounds a bit too happy, but his eyes hold glee.]

"Oh man, can't wait to see what I'll do today!"

"Has anyone thought about how weird air is? Like it... It's matter but you can go through it. And you can't see it. Also oxygen is slowly killing us. Ooh, hey, a stray dog!"

[Is he... Really okay?]

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