chapter 6

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Thanks to Africanliterature for this amazing cover

I can't believe my eyes ife was dancing so gracefully I bet am not as good as her ,I mean she flows with the beat of the song as if it the next normal thing in after breathing she moves so well twisting and turning at the right time, the songs comes to an end and I see her stop dancing and went over to stop the song then I notice what she was wearing, she was wearing a top bra with I LOVE DANCING written on it and a adidas sweatpants which fit her like glove her waist tiny and her Breast full probably a D cup size ,how do I know I have a twin sister who practically lives in my room more then her room. Ife saw me and I waved my hand at her
" hi
"I see you are already dancing
" Naa that just warm up ,I wanted to thank you earlier for showing me the cafeteria. Thank you
"It my pleasure
" so when are we starting
"We are starting right now
" I will teach you the basic while we are stretching.
The practice went well in fact Ife suprised me ,she was quick to learn the steps and took in instructions and by the time we were done we were both exhausted and sweaty ,IFE's phone rang
"Hi dad ,she said
" Yeah,am done with class
"Oh ,okay bye see you in 10 min
" my dad just call he will be here in 10 min to pick me up
"Oh okay,I said
" I will head to the shower then
I left for home after I made sure ife entered her dad's car safely, I must admit am a little afraid of kemi,that girl can do and undo anytime she want,her dad is judge at the high court of Lagos while my dad is a minister so they are very close,I didn't realizes am home already until the driver spoke,I went straight into my room not the mood to talk to anyone and guess what I met eniola on my bed pressing her iPhone
" why are you on my bed again
"Hey what do u mean ,can't I sleep on my twin bro's bed again ,and by the way are you just coming back from school,class ended 2 hours ago" she said in one breath without even lifting her face from her phone
"You can't sleep on my bed while you have yours and I had to teach ife some things after dance class miss kazim asked me and why do you even care"
"Uh oh someone is moody ,who annoyed you again is it kemi
" talk to that girl if she touch a hair on ife's body I wont spare her ,I said furious as I remember my conversation with kemi
"Who cares what you do to her just don't make dad angry or I will blow your cover you know dad really like kemi's dad and I don't want him worry because of your stupid high school crush
" what did you just say ,Eni
"Well u heard me quite well or do you want me to repeat my self
" Eni leave my room now or I swear to God I will really hurt you
"I know it an empty threat because you love me but I will leave your room and don't bother locking your door I got a spare key and don't even think of changing you lock again I got a master key but jide what Is seriously wrong with you ,you change the lock to your door 8 times already this month
" and I wonder why it like that " I replied sarcastically
"Bye baby brother
" shut up it only two minute difference
"You could have come to this world first then
" whatever, just shut up and leave my room
"Yeah baby brother I love you more" she closed the door and left
That girl gets on my nerve every time ,I got under the cover of my bed and draft into deep slumber
"Are you trying to break up with me" he asked
"Yes am tired of your overprotective bullshit ,the relationship is toxic to me am really losing my grade and my mind,since we have been together I have been doing things that are against my standard and I can't continue like this again. Let break up" I said everything in one breath, I am scared of him and am shaking I don't even know why I agree to be with him at first ,I was expecting him to hug me but he slapped me,Samuel slapped me. I was still in shock when I felt a sharp pain on my head I didn't get go register what happen before I felt my self flying and hitting the hard wall.
"You think you can get rid of me like that,you think you can break up with me anytime you like" he shouted "well slut am going to show you who Is in charge here "he said as he removed his belt ,I couldn't fully register what he doing until i felt the metal part of the belt hit me hard on my head pulling my hair along ,i screamed and beg him to stop but he continue his torture until I felt my body go limp and my my eyes was too weak to be open ,I panicked because I didn't want to sleep because I don't know what Samuel will do to me while am unconscious ,I felt something wet trailing down my head it was red and thick am bleeding furiously I looked up at him and he pulled my hair and hit my head on the wall again and again and again until I felt my self go limp in his hands,I felt million emotions at the same time what wrong with me am I dying, I don't Want to die yet,then I feel into restless slumber. I woke up breathing fast and felt wetness on my face have been crying I look at the clock on my bedstand it 3 am in the morning another nightmare about Samuel, when is it going to end I lay on my bed as I cry my self to sleep again.

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