chapter 8

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Is this how you try to avoid me, by starving yourself, Jide asked slightly raising his voice ,I blushed slightly embarrassed that my stomach was growing so loud I didn't hear when he entered
To say I was scared was an understatement I was literally shaking,I thought he was going to hit me like Samuel ,he raised his hand and I unconsciously flinched thinking he was going to hit and immediately the bell rang indicating the break was over ,students rushed in and he walked away quietly. I said a silent prayer of thanks as the teacher entered the class.
I felt someone starring hole at the  back of my head I ignored it and distracted my self with school work and slowly, slowly the day ended

Class ended 30 minute ago and am  standing in front of IFE's classroom waiting for her to come out so I can talk to her I don't think I can go one more day without talking to her.

Throughout the week all I could think of was Ife and what got her so worked up on Tuesday,I couldn't stop thinking about what could have hurt her for her to breakdown at school ,I will kill whoever it is that hurt her like this but at first I need to help her, she looks so broken ,she has bags under her eyes indicating her lack of sleep and she has lost a ton of weight and I can't help but think she is avoiding me, whenever I see her in the hall way before I can even call her she is nowhere in sight and she avoids my eyes everytime and her absence at the cafeteria  prove my suspcision right ,but today am going to known what  is bothering her.
I saw ife packing her bags ,I think she is ready to leave
"Ife can I talk to you for a second, I ask
" She looks off and annoyed but kept quiet so I took that as a yes
"Are you okay I said raising my hand to touch her face, she flinched slightly and closed her eyes like I was going to hit her .
" yes am okay ,she said quickly and was about to leave ,when I held her back
"Are u sure ,I asked again
She scoffs,"are you kidding me, why do you care,she said
I care because I like you, isn't it obvious
"You are lying,she said
" why do u think am lying
"Because I don't believe you ,she said turning to walk away
I don't know what came over me as I spin her over and planted a soft kiss to her lips .
What happening,why is Jide kissing me and why do I like it, am supposed to be pushing him away ,he can do worse than Samuel, my brain said
but he can also protect you ,my heart said
no all guys are the same
My heart and brain are opposite each other my heart want me to kiss him back but my brain keeps telling me no
My brain won so I pushed him away from me ,I guessed I caught him surprised because he staggered back a little ,I moved towards him and slapped him hard
How dear you touch me ,I said now crying,do u think you can just touch me anyhow you like ,do you think am a puppet you can just touch and kiss anyhow you like.
Listen here OBO, if you think being rich and handsome is all it takes to kiss girls and take them to bed then you are mistaken I won't fall for your looks or money ,I have enough problem with boys already, I said mumbling the last part to my self
I turned around and went towards the school parking lot,I saw my brother's car and entered without even knocking
Hey ,what with the bad energy in the car ,he asked while I ignored him like he is not there
"Is it that guy who pissed you off
" what guy
"That guy standing in at the door side looking like he is going to cry any minute
I looked back and saw Jide looking lost,I expected to see anger in his eyes but he looked like a lost puppy who did something bad with his head down then the realization of what I did hit me ,I slapped Jide, he has been nothing but nice to me since I met him and the kiss was my best kiss yet I slapped him because am afraid to fall for another guy and go through another heartache and now I have feelings for a guy I can't tell him
" Ife are you okay ,why are you crying, has that guy done something to you ,should I go and beat him up ,come on stop crying ,he said his voice lacing with concern and his  eyes pleading with me
"Am okay, I said as I cleaned my eyes with my hands
" are u sure ,he asked
"Can we just go home now please,I said my voice cracking a little

as your Royal Highness commands
The ride home was short and now am on my  bed thinking about how messed up my life is, am going to be seventeenth is two months time I have gone through a lot and now my life is so messed up. I heard a knock on my door and wonder who it is Daniel will never knock on my door he just barges in as if it his room .I stood up from my bed and went to answer the door ,I opened the door and felt something on my face
"Who want Chinese for dinner and off course with  special prickle the way my favorite sister likes it
I felt my lips curl up in a smile as I hugged Daniel
" thanks big brother, I love you
And Daniel being the normal human being he is said
"Is it me you love or the Chinese
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