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Even though his father was still around, Keith was known as the village orphan.

His mother left before he could speak and his father didn't ever truly care for him since she left. Everyone tells him she died, but he knows better. He was pretty smart.

All he has that's truly his, his only connection to his mother, is a small blade that transforms into a beautiful, elegant sword when he's in true danger.

He doesn't ever remember truly smiling. Keith doesn't even think he's ever seen his father smile.

But Keith doesn't place blame on anyone but himself. Everything is his own fault.

Maybe if he was better, his mother wouldn't have left. It he was better, his father wouldn't be so distraught. If he was better, than the people in his village wouldn't look down on him in pity.

So he became a Knight of New Altea's brigade.

Keith shot up the ranks. He made it to Captain. Other knights looked at him with respect. Most hated him, though.

He was emotionless. He didn't particularly care for other people.  He didn't listen to anyone.

Well, anyone but one man.

Lieutenant General Takashi Shirogane.

He tought Keith how to properly fight. He took Keith under his wing and showed him the way. Shiro was the only one Keith felt comfortable with.

Shiro was the only one who felt like family.

So it was devastating when the Lieutenant General vanished on a secret mission for General Iverson. Keith wanted desperately to strangle that man, especially when he was booted down the ranks all the way to stable boy.

So he bolted. He grabbed his few things and vanished himself.


The desert was the quietest part of New Altea. He liked it. He found an abandoned village. He shacked up in the most stable-looking house.

Keith studied and practiced. He went out as often as he could, searching for Shiro. Searching for his only family.


Cape draped over himself, Keith walked through New Altea's cobblestone streets. He kept his hand over his mother's blade, his other covering his pouch of coins.

A quick flash of green caught his eye.

He straightened up as he pivoted, steely, violet gaze flittering about to catch the green again.

Keith spotted the green again and dashed after it. He skidded around a corner, gritting his teeth.

Then vibrant color vanished again.

"Quizna-ack!" He yelped, being yanked aside by a vine.

"You saw me!"

Keith grunted as he was pinned to a brick wall, then glared at the little person in front of him. "Of course I saw you."

Golden eyes narrowed at him from under the hood of her cape. "How? How did you see me?"

"You and your pet are bright quiznaking green, that's how!" He snapped.

The 'pet' growled lowly from behind her. His eyes slowly widened once he realized what kind of pet she had.


She removed her hood and her mask, brows furrowed. Her fluffy hair was pulled back aside from her bangs. She had tiny green flecks dotting the bridge of her nose and over her cheeks. Golden and green streaks sliced through her honey colored hair.

Slightly pointed ears peeked out from her thick locks of hair.

"You're Captain Keith Kogane. You were Shiro's right-hand man before he vanished..."

Keith gulped, eyes widening more at the sight of her. "You're a fairy..."

"Woodland fairy to be exact." She sighed softly, relaxing slightly as she stepped back and released him. The vine shrank and wrapped snugly around her forearm. "Yes, this is a lion. Ivy, I've told you about Keith."

Keith stared in awe, then dropped to his knee, bowing his head deeply. His fists pressed to the cobblestone. "The Green Lions of Voltron..."

The fairy raised her brow at him then snorted. Ivy purred in amusement.

Keith looked up, puzzled.

"You don't have to bow, Kogane. You are worthy to stand before her." She squatted, placing her hands on his elbows as she lead him to stand with her. "My name is Kathryn. My father and brother were with Shiro when he vanished... They vanished with him..."

He was still baffled. A lion of Voltron... The Green lion. The wisest of them. He thought they were myths, yet here she was. The left hand. The wit and wisdom of Voltron.

This fairy is her chosen paladin.

"So... You know me? How?"

Kathryn smiled. "Shiro. He talked about you a lot. He was very proud of you, you know. He saw you as his little brother. My brother us his best friend, so that's how I know him."

"Oh... Okay." Keith breathed deeply, calming himself. Well, more like letting Green calm him. She had such a gentle aura. "How did you find her?"

The fairy grinned. "I didn't. She found me and lead me to her." Kathryn raised her hand, stroking the fur along Ivy's shoulder.

"Are there... Others?" He asked quietly.

"As far as I know, only one. The yellow lion chose his paladin." Kathryn murmured softly, looked turned to the mouth of the alleyway. "We need to go. I hope you weren't busy."

"What? Where are we going?"

Kathryn grinned and shrugged. "Who knows? Just trust me, Kogane."

Keith gulped and almost snapped at her, but he couldn't dispute her. He trusted her instantly, which wasn't like him.

It's because of the lion. She's a chosen paladin. They're the only people you can truly trust.

Start All Over : Klance AUWhere stories live. Discover now