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He's never seen eyes so bright. He's never even seen eyes so beautiful.

Keith gasped, yelping as he was forced to the ground, arm twisted up behind his back. "Shit-!"

"Who are you and what are you doing here?"


Keith sighed in relief as Tsuyoshi and Kathryn rushed over, Ivy and Adaih running past Keith and to something else.

They roared and growled, pouncing. Keith's eyes widened, then his brows furrowed as they tousled playfully.

The light from Tsuyoshi's latern shown on the lions playing with a similar sized blue beast.

"Lance, get off."

"Who is this."

Kathryn sighed and grabbed the man on top of Keith. "This is Keith. He's our new swordsman. Please don't kill him." She then reached down, offering her hand to the downed man.

Keith grunted and took it as he pushed himself back to his feet.

Lance huffed. "I don't like him already."

Keith shot a glare to the man and rolled his eyes. "Whatever. Shouldn't have snuck up."

"Haven't you ever heard, 'questions first?'"

"Not when someone is sneaking up while everyone is sleeping."

Tsuyoshi sighed and stood between them. "Alright, you two. Calm down. Keith, meet Lance. He's the guy I told you about that healed Shiro."

His eyes widened again and he looked back to the lions. "Wait... He also has a lion? So, best healer, sharpest, shot, and now the Blue Knight?"

"Yeah, I am pretty great, huh?"

Keith grit his teeth and narrowed his eyes at Lance. And a great pain in my ass.

Kathryn held Keith's arm. "Settle down. Lance, serioudly, tone down the arrogance. Keith, you need to rest anyway. Go back inside."

Keith grit his teeth. He nudged her off and stormed back towards the shack. Once inside, he turned to look out the window.

Tsuyoshi and Kathryn hugged and laughed with Lance, Tsuyoshi ruffling his hair.

As Shiro smiles and shook Lance's hand, thanking him, Keith's heart sank a little.

Lance's eyes and grin sparkled in the moonlight. He was beautiful.

Keith's shoulders relaxed, gaze softening as he stared. With Tsuyoshi's lantern used for light, Lance's eyes dimmed down and were a dark, but soft ocean blue, rather than sky blue.

He gulped, watching his dark hair flip and bounce as he laughed at something Kathryn had said. Keith jolted and darted back as his eyes met those ocean blues. He gulped and panted softly, eyes wide.


Keith was starting to feel left out all over again, and Lance was only here for half a day. He wasn't belonging.

He didn't know why he thought he could belong. He never has.

"What's with the long face?"

Keith yelped, lurching forward, having to grab onto the leering branch to keep from falling off the roof. He flushed bright red in embarrassment at the tinkling laugh behind him. "Kathryn!"

She squeaked and giggled, her feathers shuddering in mirth. "You're too funny, Keith!" She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and squeezed as she sat him back down, then sat beside him. "What's up? What're you thinking about?"

Keith groaned and rubbed his face. "Nothing. My mind is totally, completely blank."

The fairy huffed. "I'd believe it if your face was blank. Guess what?"


"Your face wasn't blank." She leaned closer slightly, brow creased in worry. "Your face was sad..."

He bit his lip, then sighed and hung his head. "I... I'm a loner... I never belong in groups. I'm the odd man out. No one wants me around."

Kathryn listened to him, then gently grabbed his hand in both of hers and leaned on him.

Keith looked to his other side as her wing came around him. "What are you doing..?"

"Shh..." She traced her thumb over his knuckles and they tingled softly. He watched her, then smiled softly as a slender vine curled around his finger, the tiniest, red flowers blooming as it grows.

"Wow... That's beautiful, Kathryn..."

She hummed and nodded. "Yeah... It wouldn't have grown if you didn't see me or anyone else in our group as a friend. It wouldn't have even sprouted if I didn't see you as a friend." Kathryn looked up at him and smiled. "You blong, Keith... You may have finally found somewhere you truly fit in." She looked back down and touched one of the flowers. "Don't block is out... Don't run..."

Keith relaxed and rested his head a top hers. "Alright... I won't..."

Start All Over : Klance AUWhere stories live. Discover now